Good corporate governance also means practicing digital accessibility. Its implementation is not only practical, but also moral. There is simply no way to participate in modern society without having access to and using technology. Those who are prevented from using technology experience multiple socio-economic disadvantages. Nowadays, many processes in the field of education and also work take place in the digital space.
More than one billion people live with some form of disability. That's almost 15 percent of the population. The fact is that anyone can be affected by a disability at some point in their life and this can have the effect of turning their whole life upside down - affecting their ability to work and interact with technology as they could before.
Integrating accessibility into technology is not a niche topic. It is a moral imperative and can be of great benefit to businesses. Furthermore, the implementation of digital accessibility by July 2025, through the European Accessibility Actalso required by law.
There is still a long way to go to achieve digital accessibility
The current level of accessibility on websites in Germany still leaves a lot to be desired. This is also shown by a recent test by Aktion Mensch and Google with the support of BITV-Consult and the Pfennigparade Foundation. Here, 78 of the most visited company websites in Germany that have an e-commerce web store were examined for their inclusive design.
The result of the investigation:
Over 75% of the pages examined were not accessible.
The lack of accessibility on the Internet is also illustrated by the following statistics:

Digital accessibility means diversity
In a society that celebrates diversity and plurality, the importance of digital accessibility is of crucial relevance. The diversity that makes up our society is also reflected in the different abilities, backgrounds and needs.
Digital accessibility ensures that everyone, regardless of physical or cognitive abilities, has equal access to the digital resources that are so central to information, communication and participation today. It promotes an inclusive society in which people are able to actively participate, express themselves and develop their full potential without being restricted by unnecessary barriers in the digital space.
A company that provides digital accessibility solutions shows that it is moving with the times. Last but not least, it also sets an example for the inclusion of all people.
Inclusion for better business
Technology and the digital environment are the cornerstones of innovation and growth in society. The provision of accessible technologies will therefore be essential for companies in the future. The benefits of digital inclusion are numerous: for example, the general external perception of a company is improved and the reach of a company is also increased.
"Accenture has analyzed the business impact of companies that have been leaders in the inclusion of people with disabilities. The figures speak for themselves: these companies achieved 28% higher turnover, a twice as high net profit and 30 % better profit margins.
There are a number of reasons for this. Employees are happier when they work for an inclusive company and are less likely to take their skills elsewhere. One in three consumers now only buy from brands that they believe do good for society and the environment. In practical terms, accessibility is a requirement for Google SEO, and the more accessible your website is, the more potential customers it can reach.
We at Eye-Able® will continue to campaign for digital accessibility in the future in order to break down barriers and promote equality. We are happy to welcome all other supporters who join us on this journey.Only together can we create a world in which everyone can participate, and that is the goal we are pursuing.