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Workshops & tests for digital accessibility

As a full-service provider, we offer tests in accordance with BITV and WCAG as well as training courses and workshops on all aspects of digital accessibility.

Recognize and remove barriers independently

Design content independently and barrier-free

Based on WCAG and EU standards

Assuming responsibility as a decision-maker

Training: Accessible Microsoft Office documents

Learn how to create accessible Microsoft Office documents. You can find all relevant information on the course schedule here. You can choose between a one-day and a two-day course.


All-day training - 1 day


As a rule, training takes place from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm. Deviations are possible. Please refer to the binding order confirmation for the specific times.

Teaching the general basics of digital accessibility. The theory is reinforced with practical exercises. The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) are used to show how accessible documents can be created:

Objective: Participants acquire sound knowledge that can be applied in practice.

After completing the training, participants will be able to:

Create and export accessible Microsoft Office documents
Check documents and PDFs that have already been created for accessibility

The training is aimed at anyone who uses digital documents:




Or work with them in some other way

For whom is the training particularly relevant?

People who need to ensure that their digital documents are accessible in order to reach a wider audience and promote inclusion and participation in digital life.
People who are interested in the topic of digital accessibility and would like to expand their knowledge and skills.

At least basic knowledge of:

Overarching topics - Basic rules for creating and exporting

Introduction to digital accessibility
Checking documents/PDFs for accessibility + exporting PDFs
Set language (document/sections)

Create alternative texts for images and graphics (label decorative graphics)

Accessible fonts
Choosing the right contrasts/colors

Correct headings for content

Structuring the content

Descriptions of links

Use of forms + tables
Working with style sheets
Use filter and sort functions correctly
Formatting of numbers & data
Table, column and row labels
Sequence of foil elements
Labeling of buttons
Dealing with animations


Certificate for participation
Handout as support in everyday work
This online training course offers practical knowledge and an exchange of experience. Training materials are included in the price. Please contact us for a customized offer. It is held in German, but contains some English technical terms.

Free webinars on accessibility

Gain insights in our free webinars:

We would like to share our enthusiasm and experience in digital accessibility solutions. We offer free webinars several times a year in which we present our solutions and are happy to answer your questions.

Training: Accessible websites

Learn how to design accessible websites. You can find all the important details about the course here. Both one-day and two-day training courses are available.


All-day training - 1 day


Training from 9.00-16.00 hrs. Changes possible. Check times in the order confirmation.
Recognizing and removing barriers in websites and making digital content accessible - practical examples reinforce the theory.

Objective: You will be able to apply what you have learned in practice and implement accessibility in your company.

On the basis of:


EN 301 549

You will benefit from this training if you work in the following areas:


Web content

Learn to work barrier-free with:



CMS (WordPress, Shopify, Webflow etc.)


No technical or programming knowledge is required for the training. However, basic computer experience and a basic understanding of web services are required.

Introduction to digital accessibility

Presentation of affected groups
Necessity and benefits for people with disabilities
Advantages for companies

WCAG and EN 301 549

Presentation of the contents of the WCAG
EN 301 549 as the legal basis for accessibility in Europe
Legal basis in Germany
Introduction to web accessibility

Practical examples and live demonstrations

Practical examples and checking for accessibility

Illustration of the implementation of WCAG and EN 301 549
Demonstration of tools and assistance technologies
Checking websites and digital services for accessibility
Challenges and solutions for accessibility in websites, online stores and social/internal networks

Interaction with participants

Answering questions and sharing experiences
Best practices and tips for implementing accessibility are shared

Development of an action plan

Joint development of steps to increase digital accessibility, taking into account resources and timetables.


Certificate for participation
Handout as support in everyday work
The training offers practical knowledge and exchange of experience, including training documents, and takes place online. Ask for an individual offer. It is in German, but contains some English technical terms.

How to benefit from our workshops & tests:

Basically, all participants benefit from workshops and tests on digital accessibility. The most important points and advantages of these offers are listed below.


Practical application:

While software provides automated checks and support, face-to-face training and workshops enable in-depth understanding and practical application of digital accessibility concepts.


Individualized solutions:

In training courses and workshops, individual challenges can be addressed directly and specific solution strategies developed that general software tools do not take into account.


In-depth understanding:

Personal training and workshops enable a deeper understanding of digital accessibility that goes beyond what automated software can offer.


Constant updating & conformity:

BITV/WCAG tests ensure that websites and applications not only comply with current standards, but also meet future requirements. Personal training sessions keep teams up to date with these constantly evolving guidelines.
Over 10,000 digital offers are already available, when will yours be?

More and more managers are recognizing the benefits of an inclusive culture. By participating in workshops and tests on digital accessibility, these companies are enabling an inclusive user experience and positioning themselves as pioneers in this area.

Frequently asked questions

How are the workshops structured and what content is taught?
We offer workshops on various topics such as web accessibility, accessible Office documents, accessible design, etc. The time frame can vary depending on the scope. We offer one- and two-day workshops as standard.
Make an appointment
What is the difference between a one-day and a two-day workshop?
A two-day workshop is divided into a preparation day (without working group) and a day for the presentation of the results and the transfer of know-how (with working group). On the preparation day, the web content is examined in detail and an individual accessibility strategy is developed.
Make an appointment

Experience our software solutions for digital accessibility

Eye-Able® Audit

  • Description of the picture Real-time WCAG testing software for online systems
  • Description of the picture Unlimited number of licenses, no crawling limits
  • Description of the picture Test report export  

Eye-Able® Report

  • Description of the picture Dashboard for analyzing the compliance status
  • Description of the picture Regular WCAG system check 
  • Description of the picture PDF evaluation (WCAG & PDF/UA)

Eye-Able® Assist

  • Description of the picture 25+ accessibility features
  • Description of the picture Integration in all HTML-based interfaces
  • Description of the picture GDPR-compliant integration (also own server)

Leave us a message!

Our accessibility experts will be happy to get in touch with you. Together we will make your information accessible to everyone. 

Fields marked with * are mandatory




+49 1523 8292355

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