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Eye-Able® Assist

Improve your digital accessibility

Integration within a few minutes


Over 25 functions for your users

Works on all web interfaces

These functions improve your user-friendliness:

To operate the menu, click on the Eye-Able® icon assist or with the keyboard shortcut "ALT + 1". All functions can also be controlled using the keyboard (instructions via "ALT + F1").

Font size:

This function allows you to customize the font exactly as your users need it.


Try it out directly in our assistance software!

You have the option to adjust the font size of the page to your individual needs. This can be particularly useful if you have difficulty reading smaller font sizes or if you simply want more comfort while using our platform.

You can use several sliders to adjust the font size. This gives you an intuitive tool with which you can make adjustments quickly and easily.

These adjustments are not only useful for your eyes, but can also help to improve the overall user experience. By being able to change the font size, you can ensure that other users can always clearly see the information provided on your platform.

Everyone has a right to digital participation. We make it easy for you.

Integrate our assistance software to give your users an accessible and personalized view of your website content. Eye-Able® Assist helps to adapt the website to the individual needs of visitors. In this way, the assistance software promotes digital participation and improves the user experience.

assistFunctions for people with visual impairments:

Eye-Able® Assist enables users with visual impairments to select the contrast from various presets or adjust it individually.


Font size, word and line spacing can also be adjusted without affecting the layout. Distracting elements such as images and animations can be hidden.


The software also offers a practical read-aloud function for entire pages or text passages using keyboard navigation.

assistFunctions for people with color blindness:

People with color blindness are less able to recognize color differences in certain contrasts and therefore often cannot use websites properly.


Eye-Able® Assist offers solutions for red, green and blue deficiencies, as well as a grayscale mode.


The intensity of the respective functions can be adjusted as required.

assistFunctions for people with learning difficulties:

Eye-Able® Assist offers various solutions for people with cognitive disabilities.


Depending on the disability, an overabundance of distracting elements can impair the perceptibility of the content on the website.


The software offers the option of hiding auditory and graphic content and adapting the font to your own needs in many ways.

assistFunctions for older people:

In times of digitalization, it can be difficult for older people to participate due to various barriers.


For example, a mouse pointer that is too small can lead to disorientation on the website.


Our software solves this problem by enlarging it.

Your benefits from using Eye-Able® Assist.


Attractiveness through flexibility

Eye-Able® Assist provides real-time support for people with visual impairments. It enables them tocustomize content on websites and the digital better perceive the digital environment. Thusmake your websites accessible to a wider range of customers.


Optimal user experience

Allows you to customize the settings to the needs of your users. From the font size and color to the voice output, the assistance software can be adapted to personal preferences. This ensures an optimal user experience.


Send a clear signal for inclusion

Eye-Able® Assist improves your accessibility in the digital space and enables people with disabilities access to digital content. This shows that your company is committed to inclusion.


Reach more people

Enable people with different perspectives and limitations to customize content on your website in real time. In this way you improve their digital perception and expand your customer base.

Give all employees the same opportunities with our assistance software for browser systems.

Eye-Able® Assist is also available for your employees' browsers. With our workplace equipment, you can make it easier for your employees to work online. The Eye-Able® Assist can be integrated into your employees' Internet browsers in just a few minutes. This enables them to carry out work in the browser more efficiently.

Simple installation

Assistant directly in the browser

Making work easier

Clear signal for inclusion & participation

Over 1,500 organizations entrust us with their accessibility.

DRK-Kreisverband Neuss e.V.

"Digital participation has become an incredibly important part of our social life," says Marc Dietrich, Board Spokesman of the German Red Cross Neuss. "Based on our DRK principles, we see an obligation to make this possible for everyone and to offer assistance"
Logo of FC St. Pauli

FC St. Pauli, German Bundesliga

"As part of the "Klartext" project, FC St. Pauli is taking the next important step. With the Eye-Able® assistance software, our homepage will be technically customizable by our visitors in the future."



Logo Leipzig University

University of Leipzig


FH Kiel

Hypovereinsbank logo


Roche logo


Over 10,000 websites already use our software solutions.

FAQ about Eye-Able® Assist

Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions.

Is the assistant BITV/WCAG compliant?
The assistance software was designed in close cooperation with a BITV/WCAG expert who was involved in the development of guidelines. The software is regularly tested for compliance with accessibility standards and BITV/WCAG conformity was last confirmed at the end of 2022.
Download report
Is the assistant GDPR compliant?
The assistant software is data protection compliant and has been tested for this several times. Thanks to the various integration options, such as local hosting, you can use the assistant without any outgoing connections.
Information on data protection
What are the benefits of the software?
The software is developed by people with disabilities together with us, we pursue an inclusive development approach and focus on the users of the software. Challenges in the operation of websites were researched in usability labs. This was the basis for the functional design. The solutions generated from the problems, such as the contrast mode, were then scientifically tested again. Today, we can call various German institutes for the blind our partners, where our software is used on a daily basis and provides important insights. In this way, we are constantly developing the assistance software further.
Free consultation
How can Eye-Able® Assist be implemented?
You can integrate the assistance software within a few minutes and do not need to adapt your web interface. All you receive is a two-line code which you need to copy and paste into the header area of the interface. The Eye-Able® team will do the rest.
Free consultation
Does the assistance software affect the performance of a web interface?
The wizard has no negative impact on your performance. All scripts load asynchronously and are optimized not to affect the page.
Free consultation
How does the assistance software differ from the browser functionalities?
System-wide functions are often not "accessible" for people with visual impairments. For example, the initial settings are hidden in submenus, which usually cannot be made without help. In addition, browser and system-wide functions cannot be perfectly adapted to a specific website. The assistance software is adapted manually to each of our customer sites.
Free consultation
How do I integrate the software into my site?
Basically, the wizard can be integrated into any system that can map JavaScript. You can integrate the code in the following ways:
1: Integration via Eye-Able CDN (server in the EU, GDPR-compliant)
2: Dynamic reloading (content is only "reloaded" after clicking on Software)
3 : Local integration of the software - software is "installed" or stored on your own web server
Free consultation
How do affected persons even recognize the software?
We developed the assistant together with people with disabilities (e.g. users with up to 5% residual vision). They used interviews and test results to determine the position, appearance and usability of the software. We are constantly improving the assistant through further research in order to ensure accessibility and useful new functions.
Free consultation
Can I customize the software?
You can completely customize the accessibility assistant. Colors, icons and range of functions can be adapted to your use case and CI. No programming is required on your part.
View customization options
Can I install the wizard on my own servers?
You can host the wizard on your own servers. The installation and configuration files can be found in the dashboard.
Free consultation
Is my website 100% WCAG-compliant if I implement assistance software on my website?
No, with Eye-Able Assist some regulations can already be met, but the BITV and other laws require the implementation of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).

WCAG errors can be detected with our Eye-Able® Audit software. The software checks the code of your website according to WCAG 2.1 standards. You can see which standards you have not yet fully achieved and can correct your shortcomings simply and comprehensibly with instructions.
About Eye-Able® Audit
Can settings be saved in the tool?
Users do not have to constantly reset the wizard. After initial configuration, the information is saved on the browser side in local storage and is then applied again directly the next time the user visits the website. Settings can also be shared across multiple domains.
Free consultation

Experience the full scope of our service:

Eye-Able® Audit

  • Description of the picture Real-time WCAG testing software for online systems
  • Description of the picture Unlimited number of licenses, no crawling limits
  • Description of the picture Test report export to CSV, XLS and JSON 

Eye-Able® Report

  • Description of the picture Dashboard for analyzing the compliance status
  • Description of the picture Regular system check for WCAG conformity
  • Description of the picture PDF evaluation according to WCAG and PDF/UA standards

This is how the Eye-Able® team supports you on your journey to digital accessibility.


Book a non-binding consultation. You will be contacted on your preferred date after you have completed the form.


Our experts will evaluate your current level of accessibility and show you potential areas for improvement.


We will provide you with an individual offer and a test license for our software solutions. Our service team will support you with the initial integration steps.


You are optimally prepared and pave the way for digital integration for your company. Our accessibility service will help you.

Try Eye-Able® Assist today!