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When online forms become an obstacle

The picture shows 4 forms that are transparent. Behind them you can see two hands operating a laptop.

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The picture shows 4 forms that are transparent. Behind them you can see two hands operating a laptop.

When online forms become an obstacle

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The picture shows 4 forms that are transparent. Behind them you can see two hands operating a laptop.

Everyone knows them, not everyone loves them: Today it's about onlineforms!

We all know the situation: Some product is ordered from an online store, the selection is made. Everything, that now stands between us and the purchase - ean onlineformform! Now you only enter your personal data.


What for some is not a problem, can for others a sometimes insurmountable obstacle.represent. Unclear structures, barely recognizable color contrasts and the lack of alternative input methodsto name just a few examples, can the correct use of a simple onlineform form for people with disabilities can be considerably more difficult and even impossible make.


This can be problematic bebecause ssuch forms are are not exactly rare.erused -in companies, public authorities and other organizationsin all institutions that structure our everyday lives, are theye used. So what can be done to make onlineforms more accessible? ThatWe'll tell you in today's article.

Lack of structure and labeling

One of the biggest challenges with onlineform forms can be can be the lack of structure and labeling can be. Forms are often not structured logically, which makes it difficult for users of screen readersand people with cognitive impairments make it difficultcan, to in in a formfind your way around. Missing labels on input fields also make navigation difficult for visually impaired users*users considerably.

Incompatible input methods

Another problem can arise if too few input methods are provided. are provided. Viele forms require for example rely exclusively on the use of a mouse, for example, which can be a major hurdle for people with motor impairments. A barrier-free design should therefore also allow enable operation by keyboard or voice.

Insufficient contrast and font size

Of course, the use ofhe use of insufficient contrasts and font sizes that are too small can also the readability of onlineform forms, especially for people with visual impairments. The use sufficiently strong contrasts and customizabler font sizes can remedy createto ensure good readability for everyone. for all.

Complicated captchas and security measures

Complex captchas and security measures are also a barrier for many, especially for people with learning difficulties or cognitive impairments. An accessible alternative should therefore use simple captchas use or provide alternative security measuresprovide alternative security measuresthat can be easily used by everyone.

Lack of alternatives for multimedia content

Online forms often also contain multimedia content such as videos or audio files that are not accessible to many users. It can help to provide alternative texts or descriptions for this content, add subtitles to the videos and upload transcripts so that people with hearing or visual impairments can also understand the information.


The problems mentioned here are just a few examples of the many accessibility issues that people with disabilities face when using online forms. Many barriers can be avoided in advance or removed with just a few simple steps, but can make life much easier for many people. This not only improves the usability and effectiveness of online forms overall, but also contributes to a more inclusive society.

Easy for everyone

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With over 25 functions relating to digital accessibility, Eye-Able also helps you to reduce your barriers in the long term. You can make your information accessible to everyone and not exclude any visitors - in short: you can tap into a new target group without high marketing volumes.

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