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Eye-Able® Report

Your control center for digital accessibility:
So you have everything in view.

Overview of all problems on your websites

WCAG/BITV conformity support + sorting: A, AA, AAA

Automated accessibility check

Regular scan of the entire system and all subsystems

These functions are available to you with Eye-Able® Report:

Your entire system and all subsystems are scanned for WCAG compliance. You will be given an overview of all problems on the respective websites. All functions are explained in detail below.
1. overview of the accessibility of your website
The overview offers you the opportunity to constantly monitor and continuously improve your websites. You are given an overall rating of your websites based on the selected WCAG target compliance. The error ratings over time are displayed in charts and there is a table with the five most common issues identified on your websites.
2. WCAG problem analysis
Here you will find a list of all unfulfilled WCAG rules on your website. These can be sorted by category and severity. By clicking on a specific problem, you will receive a detailed description of the error, its location and detailed instructions on how to fix it.
3. analysis of individual websites
Here you get an overview of all your websites on which accessibility problems have been identified. You can see at a glance how many errors occur on each page. For each individual page, we provide you with a detailed breakdown of all failed rules and instructions and how these can be improved.
4th PDF check
The accessibility level of each PDF is displayed as a percentage. By clicking on a specific PDF file, you will receive a detailed overview of the specific barriers in this document as well as instructions on how to fix them. You can also upload PDFs directly here and test them for accessibility before they are published on your website.
5. broken links
Our broken links overview shows all broken or "dead" links on your website, together with the type of error. The links are sorted by frequency and you are given the respective URL that is causing the error.
6. contrast checker
Our contrast checker compares text and background colors and determines the contrast ratio according to WCAG standards in levels AA and AAA. With this tool, you can ensure optimal readability of your websites and an inclusive web experience for all users.

Your journey to more digital accessibility starts here:

Your benefits from using Eye-Able® Report


At the cutting edge of accessibility

The Eye-Able® Report Tool is an effective solution to ensure that your websites are accessible and remain so. Problems are identified and solutions suggested.


Save time and costs

Manually checking the accessibility of a website can be time-consuming and costly. The Eye-Able® Report Tool automates large parts of this process and saves you valuable resources.


Stay in compliance with the law

The Eye-Able® Report Toolmakes it easier for you to meet the requirementsof the WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines). You avoid legal problems and ensure that your website is accessible for all users.


Reach more people

Accessible websites improve the user experience for all people. In addition to an expanded user base, accessibility can improve SEO performance, increase visibility and generate more traffic.

Over 1500 organizations already use Eye-Able®

Logo University of Chicago Illonois

The University of Illinois, Chicago

"It allows all users to effectively utilize UIC's Blackboard system by providing various visual adjustments such as adjusting contrast and font size, access to voice output, and many other accessibility solutions."
Logo of FC St. Pauli

FC St. Pauli, German Bundesliga

"As part of the "Klartext" project, FC St. Pauli is taking the next important step. With the Eye Able assistance software, our homepage will be technically customizable by our visitors in the future."

Logo City of Cologne
City of Cologne
Logo of North Rhine-Westphalia

Ministry of Health

Logo Archdiocese of Cologne
Archdiocese of Cologne
Hypovereinsbank logo
Logo caritas


Disabled Sports Association

Over 10,000 websites already use our software solutions. When do you start?

FAQ about Eye-Able® Report

Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions.

Can error reports be exported?
Yes, all displayed data including error history, errors on subpages etc. can be exported.
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In which languages is Eye-Able® Report displayed?
To make our service accessible to as many people as possible, we currently offer Eye-Able® Report in two languages: German and English. We plan to add more languages in the future to reach even more people.
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How often is the data updated?
Your domain is usually searched on a weekly basis. It is possible to adjust the frequency.
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Is it possible to see which pages the broken URLs link to?
Yes, by clicking on the extended menu you can also see on which pages the URL can be found.
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According to which standard are PDF files checked?
Eye-Able Report checks for PDF/UA and parts of the WCAG.
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Will I be shown the exact errors in PDF files?
Eye-Able Report highlights the errors in the PDF file and provides information on how the errors can be corrected.
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Can I use the tool to improve my SEO compliance?
By improving the structure of the site in accordance with legal requirements, the ranking of a website and thus its visibility in search engine results lists is improved.
Free consultation
What other functions does Eye-Able® Report have?
With Eye-Able® Report you can also check the color contrasts of your web pages and manage the licenses for Eye-Able® Assist and Audit. So you have all the tools you need for an accessible website in one place.
Free consultation

Experience the full scope of digital accessibility

Eye-Able® Assist

  • Description of the picture 25+ accessibility features
  • Description of the picture Integration in all HTML-based interfaces
  • Description of the picture GDPR-compliant integration (also own server)

Eye-Able® Audit

  • Description of the picture Real-time WCAG testing software for online systems
  • Description of the picture Unlimited number of licenses, no crawling limits
  • Description of the picture Test report export to CSV, XLS and JSON 

How the Eye-Able® team can support you on your journey to digital accessibility


Book a non-binding consultation. You will be contacted on your preferred date after you have completed the form.


Our experts will evaluate your current level of accessibility and show you potential areas for improvement.


We will provide you with an individual offer and a test license for our software solutions. Our service team will support you with the initial integration steps.


You are optimally prepared and pave the way for digital integration for your company. Our accessibility service will help you.
Try Eye-Able® Report today!