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Workshops and presentations for your employees.

Digital accessibility: workshops and lectures

Workshops and lectures

Our many years of experience in the field of digital accessibility have allowed us to gather a great deal of knowledge. We are happy to share this with you. We offer presentations and workshops for employees on the topic of digital accessibility.
Young woman points with one finger, holding a cell phone with the other.

We make knowledge available in the long term

Icon shows accessibility figure

Do you want to live digital inclusion? We show you how to achieve your goals

At best, digital accessibility should be understood and practised equally by all employees in an organization. The availability of knowledge and information is fundamental to this. We are happy to provide you with this know-how in the form of workshops and presentations.

Several years of experience in the field of WAG & accessibility

Prepared transmission of the results

Exciting workshops, gripping presentations

Our services in the area of workshops and lectures

In addition to training in WCAG and inclusive design, we also show you how to make your brand presence generally accessible to all people.

WCAG and WCAG testing services

WCAG consulting

We will be happy to advise you in advance of a WCAG test and explain the tools and techniques required to pass WCAG tests.

Individually tailored to you


Knowledge with experts

Remote also possible

Development workshop

Here, your digital systems are tested live together with your developers.

Short intro to the topic

"Hands-on approach

Practical tips

Directly realizable

Duration: approx. 4 hours

Introductory workshop

This workshop serves to sensitize your employees to the topic and to record initial findings. 

Introduction to digital accessibility

Target groups

First approaches

Test procedure

Duration: 2 hours

Development seminar

Tools, tips and tricks form the basis of this seminar for developers.

Introduction to test procedures

Implementation directly in the seminar

Best practices in the area of WCAG

Tool overview and course materials

Duration: approx. 2 days

Services in the area of accessible design

Workshop on accessible design on the web

Learn the basics of accessible digital media according to WCAG. 


Web applications

Processing the topic live on a case

Handout on the results

Remote also possible

Workshop on accessible design in the print sector

Analog media can also be designed to be accessible. We will show you how to achieve this.

Barrier-free colors

Barrier-free font design

Accessible media formats

Handout on the results

Remote also possible

Contact us

Our accessibility experts will be happy to get in touch with you. Together we will make your information accessible to everyone. 

Say Hi!


Let's Talk

+49 176 55868615

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