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Accessible design in web and print

Accessibility as the new design standard

Accessible design for your organization

An accessible brand presence not only provides you with new target groups, but also has a positive effect on the perception of your organization.

Young woman points with one finger, holding a cell phone with the other.

Accessible design is made for everyone

Icon shows accessibility figure

Everyone should be able to benefit from your services

Accessible design is the basis for ensuring that you can really reach everyone. This includes not only the inclusion of people with disabilities, but also older people and people with a migration background benefit from accessibility and accessible design.

Implementation of accessible documents for your organization

Creating and checking accessible documents (e.g. PDFs)

Including advice and workshops possible

Accessible design of brand documents and PDFs

Accessible PDFs, accessible presentations or websites: The range of media that can be designed to be accessible is extensive. We help you to create an inclusive appearance for your brand. We are happy to support you in the creation process. Testing of documents (for example according to WCAG standards) is possible.

Feel free to contact us for a free initial consultation on barrier-free design.

Our services in the area of accessible design

Our services in the area of accessible design include the creation and testing of PDFs. We are also happy to work with you to develop accessible presentations, for example in PowerPoint. We also provide workshops and topics in this area. 

Workshop on accessible design on the web

Learn the basics of accessible digital media according to WCAG. 


Web applications

Processing the topic live on a case

Handout on the results

Remote also possible

Workshop on accessible design in the print sector

Analog media can also be designed to be accessible. We will show you how to achieve this.

Barrier-free colors

Barrier-free font design

Accessible media formats

Handout on the results

Remote also possible

Project support

We are happy to support your digital projects with regard to various accessible design aspects.


Web applications


Classic print media

Accessible PDFs & presentations

Would you like to create accessible documents and presentations for your company or have them tested? We will be happy to support you.

Accessible PDFs: creation and testing

Accessible presentations: Creation and testing

Appealing and technically accessible brand documents

Advantages of barrier-free design

Show that your company thinks inclusively: by making your brand presence accessible, you show that everyone can be part of your brand. Without ifs and buts.

Firstly , legal basis

Secondly Larger target group

Thirdly, a clear signal to the outside world

Fourth, fundamentally important

Contact us

Our accessibility experts will be happy to get in touch with you. Together we will make your information accessible to everyone. 

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Let's Talk

+49 176 55869849

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