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Webinars on digital accessibility

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Making digital teaching at colleges & universities more accessible

Preparation for the BFSG by 2025

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Webinar: Preparing for the BFSG by 2025

Moderator: Chris Schmidt
(Co-Founder & CMO)
Consultant TÜV SÜD
Guest: Sami Demircan
(TÜV Süd)

In our next webinar, the date of which will be announced shortly, we are excited to dive deep into the topic of the Accessibility Act (BFSG), which many organizations must comply with by 2025. With Chris Schmidt, Co-Founder & CMO of Eye-Able®, you can expect a comprehensive discussion enriched by our esteemed guests Sami Demircan, Strategic Business Development Manager at TÜV Süd, and a lawyer specializing in accessibility (to be announced).

The aim of this webinar is to prepare organizations and companies for the requirements of the BFSG that must be met by 2025. We will shed light on the importance of complying with these regulations not only from a legal perspective, but also in terms of the social and economic added value created by improving the accessibility of digital offerings.

Participants will get a detailed insight into our legally compliant generator, which allows them to easily check whether their websites need to comply with the requirements of the BFSG and how these challenges can be solved using our software. In addition, we will discuss how compliance with these requirements is not only a legal necessity, but also brings significant benefits to businesses and society by creating inclusive digital spaces that are accessible to all.

Our guest from TÜV will explain the importance of TÜV certification for BFSG-compliant websites and show how you can obtain this certification as a quality feature and why this strengthens trust among users and promotes digital accessibility.

During the webinar, live practical examples will be presented using a website in collaboration with our software solutions to demonstrate how digital barriers can be effectively identified and resolved. Participants will also have the opportunity to ask their questions, which will be addressed in detail by our experts at the end of the webinar.

Don't miss the opportunity to find out more about the BGG and the importance of digital accessibility. Whether you are preparing for the legal requirements or simply want to learn how to make your digital services more inclusive. This webinar will provide valuable insights and practical solutions.

Register now and prepare your website for the BFSG by 2025!

Past webinars

Webinar: Making digital teaching at colleges & universities more accessible

Joscha Bühler
Moderator: Joscha Bühler (Accessibility Consultant in the education sector)
Lennart Hessler
Guest: Lennart Hessler (usability tester & former student with visual impairment)

On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 4:30 pm, we cordially invite you to our webinar: "Making digital teaching at colleges & universities more accessible". With our speaker Joscha Bühler (accessibility consultant in the education sector) and Lennart Hessler (usability tester and former student with a visual impairment), who will share his personal challenges in the education system.

We dive into the importance of a holistic approach to accessibility in digital teaching and learning content. Through an interview with Lennart Hessler, we will shed light on his experiences during his studies and understand how digital barriers affect educational opportunities.

The webinar covers accessibility in Learning Management Systems (LMS), discusses the integration of digital accessibility in the German education sector, the DACH region and the USA and explains the legal framework - including WCAG, BITV and BGG.

A live demonstration of digital accessibility tools, including the use of AI, on a university website will show how digital barriers can be successfully identified and removed.

During the webinar, participants will have the opportunity to ask their questions, which will be addressed and discussed by our experts. The aim is to clarify individual concerns and provide specific tips for the implementation of accessible digital teaching content at universities and colleges.

Webinar: Digital accessibility in the public sector


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On Thursday, April 11, 2024 at 10:00 a.m., our webinar on "Digital accessibility in the public sector: A guide to inclusive digital services" took place. Led by Marvin Rottenberger, our Sales Manager at the Würzburg location, we focused on the essential importance of digital accessibility for the public sector.

In this webinar, we shed light on why creating accessible digital services is not only a legal obligation, but also represents significant added value for all citizens. We discussed how the use of AI technologies can facilitate access to public services and what practical steps organizations can take to make their digital services more inclusive.

Live practical examples were presented on a partner website, showing how digital barriers can be successfully identified and removed. These demonstrations provided valuable insights into the application of technology to improve the user experience for people with different needs.

Participants had the opportunity to ask questions during the webinar, which were then taken up and discussed by our accessibility expert Marvin Rottenberger. The aim of this interactive Q&A session was to address individual concerns and provide a deeper insight into the topic.

We would like to thank all participants for the lively exchange on current developments and best practices in the field of digital accessibility. Learn more about how you can create an inclusive digital space that benefits all citizens through the targeted use of AI and other technologies. Don't miss the opportunity to continue learning about this important topic and help improve digital accessibility in the public sector.

Webinar: AI in digital accessibility


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On Thursday, March 21, 2024 at 10 am, we cordially invite you to our webinar AI in Digital Accessibility: Opportunities, Challenges and Practical Applications. Led by Anna-Lena Kramer, our technical support expert, we will dive into the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to understand the crucial role it plays in creating accessible digital spaces.

In this interactive format, we will shed light on why digital accessibility is not only an ethical imperative, but also the key to more inclusive technology experiences. We will discuss how AI technologies can be used to break down barriers and improve the user experience for all users. Using an example website, we will demonstrate live how the use of AI can make work easier by presenting practical examples of the integration of accessibility features.

During the webinar, participants will have the opportunity to ask questions. These will then be answered in detail by Anna-Lena Kramer in order to promote a deeper understanding of the topic and clarify individual concerns.

Take the opportunity to find out about the latest trends and technologies in the field of digital accessibility and how you can implement them in your projects. We look forward to exploring with you the opportunities that AI offers for a more inclusive digital future.

Your benefits from our webinars


Expanded expertise

Learn the latest digital accessibility standards to make your content accessible to all.


Practical application

Learn how to effectively remove digital barriers through case studies and demos.


Network possibilities

Exchange ideas with experts and learn from the experiences of others in our interactive webinars.


Accessibility and comfort

Take part from anywhere and gain valuable knowledge conveniently online.

Frequently asked questions about our webinars

How can I register for a webinar?
Simply register on our website. Select the desired webinar and complete the registration form.
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What do I need to take part in the webinar?
You will need a stable internet connection, a device with audio output (e.g. computer, tablet, smartphone) and, if necessary, a microphone if you want to ask questions.
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Are the webinars really free of charge?
Yes, all our webinars are free of charge for you. Our aim is to make knowledge about digital accessibility as accessible as possible.
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How can I prepare for a webinar?
We will familiarize you with the basics of digital accessibility. You do not need to inform yourself in advance. Our support team will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
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Can I ask questions during the webinar?
Of course! We encourage all participants to ask their questions via the chat function. Our moderator will take these up during the webinar.
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Will I receive additional resources after the webinar?
Yes, after the webinar you will receive access to additional materials, including a recording of the webinar, presentation slides and helpful links.
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What happens if I miss a webinar?
No problem - all registered participants get access to the webinar recordings so that you can watch the webinar afterwards.
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How can I prepare for a webinar?
We will familiarize you with the basics of digital accessibility. You do not need to inform yourself in advance. Our support team will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
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Leave us a message!

Our accessibility experts will be happy to get in touch with you. Together we will make your information accessible to everyone. 

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