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Webinar: Digital accessibility in the public sector

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Webinar: Digital accessibility in the public sector

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Webinar: Digital accessibility in the public sector

Speaker: Marvin Rottenberger
(Sales Lead Würzburg)
Participate now and improve digital accessibility in the public sector!

On Thursday, April 11, 2024 at 10:00 a.m., we cordially invite you to our webinar Digital Accessibility in the Public Sector: A Guide to Inclusive Digital Services . Under the direction of Marvin Rottenberger, our Sales Manager at the Würzburg location, we will focus on the essential importance of digital accessibility for the public sector.

In this webinar, we will shed light on why creating accessible digital services is not only a legal obligation, but also represents significant added value for all citizens. We discuss how the use of AI technologies can facilitate access to public services and show what practical steps organizations can take to make their digital services more inclusive.

Live practical examples will be presented on a partner website to show how digital barriers can be successfully identified and removed. These demonstrations provide valuable insights into the use of technology to improve the user experience for people with different needs.

Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions during the webinar, which will then be taken up and discussed by our accessibility expert Marvin Rottenberger. The aim of this interactive Q&A session is to address individual concerns and provide a deeper insight into the topic.

We invite you to join us to discuss current developments and best practices in the field of digital accessibility. Learn how you can create an inclusive digital space that benefits all citizens through the targeted use of AI and other technologies. Don't miss the opportunity to take part in this important discussion.

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Easy for everyone

Are you interested? We will be happy to help you.

With over 25 functions relating to digital accessibility, Eye-Able also helps you to reduce your barriers in the long term. You can make your information accessible to everyone and not exclude any visitors - in short: you can tap into a new target group without high marketing volumes.

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Non-binding consultation on digital accessibility in general

Icon shows accessibility figure


Discussion of possible optimization potential on your website

Icon shows accessibility figure

Live demo

Presentation of the assistance software directly on your website

Further contributions

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