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🎉 Web Summit offer: Free WCAG website check & assistance software 30-day free trial. Benefit now.

Accessibility software
Solutions from Eye-Able®

Digital accessibility doesn't have to be complicated. You improve your external perception and show that inclusion is lived in your organization and comply with the standards more easily. In addition to assistance software and testing software for BITV, the accessibility service also includes tools for your employees' workstations. Start today with your free current status analysis and find out what potential awaits you.

Simple help for your legal compliance.

Doing the right thing has never been so easy.

Become a pioneer in your industry.

Web Summit 2023:

Doing the right thing at the right time

Free WCAG Website Check

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Web Summit 2023: For a world without borders

Icon shows accessibility figure

Digital accessibility by law.
What is required here?

The European Accessibility Act (EAA) obliges the member states, among other things, to make online commerce accessible for consumers. It primarily concerns products and services that are most important for people with disabilities and for which different requirements most likely apply in the EU countries.

The European Accessibility Act (EAA) must be implemented in national legislation by all EU countries by June 28, 2025.

We support you in implementing digital accessibility and complying with regulations.

What does accessibility actually mean?

A website is accessible if it can be found, accessed and used by people with disabilities without any particular difficulty and, in principle, without outside help. A person with a disability should therefore be able to use a website just as independently as a person without a disability. Eye-Able® is the ideal partner for fulfilling these accessibility principles on your own website as a holistic provider of digital accessibility.

Absolute necessity for people with disabilities

Around 1 billion people worldwide have a disability. Of these, 215 million are visually impaired and therefore have major problems with the usability of websites. It is no longer enough just to make buildings accessible; inclusion must also be practiced on the Internet. All people should be able to participate equally in digital media.

Integration within a few minutes

Automated accessibility check


Works on all web interfaces

Our Web Summit offer: Connect with the future

Your holistic solution for digital accessibility.

Eye-Able® enables website operators to create accessible websites quickly and efficiently. We offer effective solutions to implement accessibility while improving image and market opportunities.

Eye-Able® Audit

Your browser testing software for BITV and WCAG.

Eye-Able® Report

Your control center for digital accessibility:
So you have everything in view.

Eye-Able® Assist

Improve your digital accessibility
Workshops & Tests

Eye-Able® is a holistic provider of digital accessibility.

This is why, in addition to software services, we also offer tests in accordance with BITV and WCAG as well as training courses and workshops on the subject of digital accessibility.

Why you should take action now


Save costs

Making websites accessible at a later date can be costly and time-consuming. Avoid high bounce rates.


Increase your reach

You improve the user experience for all users, reach more people and generate higher sales.


Inclusion internally and externally

Show your employees and customers that digital accessibility is practiced throughout the company.


Legal conformity

Avoid unnecessary fines of up to 100,000 euros by complying with the European Accessibility Act.

Demo & free trial version

Accessibility solutions should always be user-oriented. For this reason, we offer you the opportunity to test accessibility solutions extensively. We are happy to equip your systems with test licenses so that you can see the benefits for yourself.

Please contact us for an introduction to the service and to find out how you can improve your digital accessibility. We will also be happy to get in touch with you.

Free WCAG Website Check & assistance software 30-day free trial.

Our offer for you

Test the assistance software for a whole month free of charge 

Free compliance test for your website

Two free consultation hours on your digital accessibility

Over 10,000 websites are already accessible, when will you be?

More and more leaders are recognizing the benefits of an inclusive culture. By developing accessible websites, these companies have paved the way for an inclusive user experience and established themselves as pioneers in this field:
Logo of the Disabled Sports Association.

German Disabled Sports Association | National Paralympic Committee Germany

"In order to come closer to the goal of digital participation and accessibility, the German Disabled Sports Association is now offering the Eye-Able® assistance software on its website... The principle: everyone should be able to use an online system that is tailored to their individual needs. Web interfaces should therefore be able to be individualized so that they are accessible to everyone."

FC St. Pauli, 2nd German Bundesliga

"As part of the "Klartext" project, FC St. Pauli is taking the next important step. With the Eye Able assistance software, our homepage will be technically customizable by our visitors in the future."

Reduce complexity

Easy integration and implementation. No specialist knowledge required.

Conformity and trust

Help with compliance with national and international laws and regulations.

Single solution for your digital accessibility

Customized accessibility solutions for companies, directly from Eye-Able®. Available for external and internal websites. 

Contact us for an introduction to the service and to find out how you can improve your digital accessibility.

Contact us

Eye-Able® is the leading holistic provider of software-based solutions for digital accessibility. More than 1,000 companies, organizations and ministries rely on our expertise and use our tools every day. 

Say Hi!


Are you unsure? Simply use the following form. This will give you the chance to get to know the possibilities offered by your new digital accessibility without any obligation:

Our statement on accessibility at the touch of a button:

Automatic adaptation of code, for example using AI, cannot currently promise accessibility in accordance with BITV. In our opinion, digital accessibility should be promoted by people for people. This is what our tools are designed for. Here you can read more about the topic.

Your digital accessibility starts here.

We would be happy to show you how you can easily improve your digital accessibility: With tools from Eye-Able®.

About Eye-Able®

Our vision is to make the Internet accessible to everyone. You are welcome to join us on our journey:

Eye-Able logo, shows an eye

© Copyright - Eye-Able® by Web Inclusion GmbH 2023. all rights reserved.