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WCAG tests for your Digital accessibility

WCAG tests for websites and apps.

WCAG tests confirm your current level of digital accessibility. We support you in implementing your compliance.

Young woman points with one finger, holding a cell phone with the other.

Test center for WCAG and accessibility.

Icon shows accessibility figure

WCAG tests for your digital products.

Several years of experience in WCAG testing & accessibility

Prepared transmission of the results

Evaluation workshop possible

WCAG compliance is legally justified for many organizations.

Many public bodies are already obliged to create accessible digital content in accordance with WCAG. We can help you to meet your obligations.

Please contact us for a free initial consultation on WCAG testing and the testing process.

Our WCAG testing services

In addition to classic testing, our WCAG services also include workshops, seminars and training courses on the subject. In this way, you not only make your website accessible according to WCAG, but also bundle this knowledge in your company.

WCAG test

We check your digital products according to the WCAG standard. We will show you possible weaknesses as well as practical solutions.


Web applications

Detailed test report with solutions

Handout on the results

Individual advice

We will be happy to advise you in advance of a WCAG test and explain the tools and techniques required to pass WCAG tests.

Individually tailored to you


With expert knowledge

Remote also possible

Introductory workshop

This workshop serves to sensitize your employees to the topic and to record initial findings. 

Introduction to digital accessibility

Target groups

First approaches

Test procedure

Duration: 2 hours

Developer workshop

Here, your digital systems are tested live together with your developers.

Short intro to the topic

"Hands-on approach

Practical tips

Directly realizable

Duration: approx. 4 hours

Developer seminar

Tools, tips and tricks form the basis of this seminar for developers.

Introduction to test procedures

Implementation directly in the seminar

Best practices in the area of WCAG

Tool overview and course materials

Duration: approx. 2 days

Advantages of WCAG testing


Legal basis


Results - quick and easy to understand


Testing websites and apps


Advice on testing & implementation

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Contact us

Our accessibility experts will be happy to get in touch with you. Together we will make your information accessible to everyone. 

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Let's Talk

+49 176 55868615