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Switch from managed to self-monitoring

You can see a server room, which is kept dark and contains many servers.

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Switching from a managed mode to self-control of the configuration makes sense if you want to change advanced configurations and exceptions yourself.
You can see a server room, which is kept dark and contains many servers.

Switch from managed to self-monitoring

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You can see a server room, which is kept dark and contains many servers.
Switching from a managed mode to self-control of the configuration makes sense if you want to change advanced configurations and exceptions yourself.

Switching from a managed mode to self-control of the configuration makes sense if you want to change advanced configurations and exceptions yourself. A switch is also necessary if you want to switch completely to hosting on your own server. The necessary changes can be made very quickly. In managed mode, the configuration is loaded from our servers (the JS file has the same name as your domain) with the following code in the header of the page:

<script async type=“text/javascript“ src=“https://www.eye-able-cdn.com/configs/eye-able.com.js„></script>

Managed integration of the configuration

Folge nun zunächst dem src-Link zu deiner Konfiguration. Die Konfiguration besteht üblicherweise aus einem einzigen Javascript-Objekt. Ersetzte nun die <script>-Verlinkung zu der externen Konfiguration durch folgenden Code, wobei bei „Hier Konfiguration einfügen!“ der Text deiner Server-Konfiguration eingetragen werden muss:

<script type=“text/javascript“> Hier Konfiguration einfügen! </script>

Reload your website now. You should not notice any difference between the server and local integration. Now you can enter changes and exceptions yourself. You can find more information in the article "Excluding page elements from Eye-Able".

Important: Changes made with the configurator must be entered manually during a self-check and are no longer applied automatically.

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