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AI website translation: making content accessible worldwide

AI website translation tool
AI website translation: making content accessible worldwide

Simple operation


All languages


What functions does the AI website translation have?

AI website translation tool

Our AI-based translation tool for websites enables automatic translation of your content into a variety of languages. AI algorithms translate your web content accurately, taking into account both grammar and context.

Integrating the tool into your website is straightforward and only requires a few lines of code. After the first translation, the content is saved so that subsequent users can switch languages smoothly and without delay.
In addition, our tool offers the option of manually editing texts that have already been translated to ensure that the translations meet your requirements and standards.
AI website translation tool

AI website translation

AI website translation icon

Design customization and manual editing of the translation possible in the dashboard.

Translation + simple language

Maximum accessibility:
AI translations + simple language

Test translation live

The interactive area allows you to see directly how our AI-based translation technology translates your content into different languages in real time.
With just one click on the language changer, you can experience and check the functionality and quality of the translations for yourself.

Click on the button below to load the content of zugang4all.de.

Load content

Is your website not yet accessible?

Then it's best to contact us right away and have your own website checked free of charge with a BITV/WCAG quick test.

Free website check according to WCAG/BITV

Together for an accessible Internet - that's what we stand for. Simply enter your information in the adjacent form. You will receive your test report automatically by e-mail.

Your advantages with AI website translation


Extended range

Reach a global audience by translating your website into multiple languages.


Easy handling

Simple integration and intuitive operation enable smooth use.



With the option to convert translated content into plain language, you improve accessibility for all users.



Save time and resources with automatic translations and quick customization options.
Over 10,000 websites are already accessible,
when will you be?
More and more leaders are recognizing the benefits of an inclusive culture. By developing accessible websites, these companies have paved the way for an inclusive user experience and established themselves as pioneers in this field:

FC St. Pauli, 2nd German Bundesliga

"As part of the "Klartext" project, FC St. Pauli is taking the next important step. With the Eye Able assistance software, our homepage will be technically customizable by our visitors in the future."

The University of Illinois, Chicago

"Eye-Able® enables all users to use the Blackboard system effectively by providing various visual adaptations, access to voice output and many other accessibility solutions."

Experience the full scope of our accessibility service:

Eye-Able® Audit

  • Description of the picture Real-time WCAG testing software for online systems
  • Description of the picture Unlimited number of licenses, no crawling limits
  • Description of the picture Test report export to CSV, XLS and JSON 

Eye-Able® Report

  • Description of the picture Dashboard for analyzing the compliance status
  • Description of the picture Regular system check for WCAG conformity
  • Description of the picture PDF evaluation according to WCAG and PDF/UA standards

Frequently asked questions about AI website translation

How does the AI translation tool for websites work?
Our AI translation tool uses advanced algorithms to automatically translate web content into different languages, with the option to manually adjust the translations afterwards.
Free consultation
Which languages are supported by the translation tool?
The tool supports a wide range of languages, including Chinese, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish. Other languages can be added on request.
Free consultation
Is the integration of the tool on my website complicated?
No, integration is simple and straightforward. You will receive detailed instructions and our support team will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Free consultation
Can I edit texts that have already been translated?
Yes, our tool enables manual editing of previously translated texts to ensure precision and quality.
Free consultation
Can I test the tool free of charge?
You are welcome to test our software solution extensively. Simply arrange a free consultation.
Free consultation
Does the tool also support translation into simple language?
The tool can be integrated with plain language. Therefore, translated content can also be converted into plain language to improve accessibility for all users.
Free consultation
How quickly will my website be translated?
The entire website is translated the first time it is loaded. The saved translation is retrieved for subsequent visitors, making the process more efficient and faster.
Free consultation
Are the translations accurate and of high quality?
Our tool uses sophisticated AI algorithms to ensure accurate translations. The option of manual editing provides additional control over the quality of the translations.
Free consultation
Do we offer training or support in using the tool?
Yes, we offer training and support with the integration and use of the tool. Our support team is always available to help you with any questions or problems.
Free consultation

Leave us a message!

Our accessibility experts will be happy to get in touch with you. Together we will make your information accessible to everyone. 

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