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City of Bonn for digital accessibility

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City of Bonn for digital accessibility

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Cityscape from the side.

Digital accessibility is of central importance in the modern world. It is not only an ethical imperative, but also a legal requirement in many countries. Accessibility enables people with different abilities to have equal access to digital content and services. We are therefore delighted to announce a new partnership between the City of Bonn and Eye-Able®.


The city of Bonn is not only known for its picturesque surroundings and rich history, but also for its progress in digitalization. Bonn is actively promoting digital inclusion and is setting an example with the use of the Eye-Able® tools: Every citizen, regardless of their abilities or limitations, should be able to use the city's digital services conveniently.


The partnership: a win-win situation

The partnership between Eye-Able® and the City of Bonn is a real win-win situation. The City of Bonn is committed to ensuring that its digital services are accessible to all citizens. Eye-Able® brings the expertise and technology to achieve this goal.


The joint work focuses on making the city's website and digital services more accessible. The city of Bonn now has more than 25 accessibility features with the Eye-Able®-solutions, the city of Bonn now has more than 25 accessibility features. These include contrast modes, text-to-speech functions and alternative text descriptions for images.


The partnership between Eye-Able® and the City of Bonn is a remarkable example of how technology companies and governments can work together to promote digital inclusion. This partnership will not only improve the lives of citizens in Bonn, but will hopefully serve as inspiration for other cities and businesses to take similar steps.

Easy for everyone

Are you interested? We will be happy to help you.

With over 25 functions relating to digital accessibility, Eye-Able also helps you to reduce your barriers in the long term. You can make your information accessible to everyone and not exclude any visitors - in short: you can tap into a new target group without high marketing volumes.

Icon shows accessibility figure


Non-binding consultation on digital accessibility in general

Icon shows accessibility figure


Discussion of possible optimization potential on your website

Icon shows accessibility figure

Live demo

Presentation of the assistance software directly on your website

Further contributions

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