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Non-profit is only possible without barriers.

Digital accessibility doesn't have to be complicated. You improve your external perception, show that inclusion is lived in your organization and comply with the standards more easily. The accessibility service includes assistance software and testing software for WCAG as well as tools for your employees' workstations. Get started today with your free 1-month trial version - together for more digital participation and inclusion.

In addition to a free trial month of the assistance software and a compliance test of your website, you will also receive a free consultation.

Simple support for your compliance.

Doing the right thing has never been so easy.

Partners in Accessibility: SoftwareONE and Eye-Able.

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Users benefit from Eye-Able® services every month

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Integrations in web interfaces

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Years of experience in the field of digital accessibility

#1 Accessibility service from Eye-Able

Icon shows accessibility figure

Many organizations and companies are required by international and national laws to make their digital systems accessible. The Eye-Able Service supports you in complying with your legal framework.

Eye-Able's Accessibility Service supports you in promoting inclusion in your organization, both internally and externally. Whether it's equipping websites with assistance software, testing web interfaces for compliance with legal regulations or equipping employees in the workplace - we will accompany you on your journey. We support you in the implementation of digital accessibility and compliance with BITV regulations. 

Many organizations and companies are required by international and national laws to make their digital systems accessible. The Eye-Able Service supports you in complying with your legal framework.

Eye-Able's Accessibility Service supports you in promoting inclusion in your organization, both internally and externally. Whether it's equipping websites with assistance software, testing web interfaces for compliance with legal regulations or equipping employees in the workplace - we will accompany you on your journey. We support you in the implementation of digital accessibility and compliance with BITV regulations. With our many years of experience in the field of accessibility and SoftwareONE's software expertise, you can take digital accessibility in your company to the next level: you will receive support in meeting the legal requirements, set a good example and position your company as a pioneer in terms of digital participation and inclusion.

Inclusion is a matter close to our hearts

The story of Eye-Able is shaped by CEO Oliver Greiner and his personal relationships with people with disabilities. His best friend Lennart has less than 15% vision due to a genetic visual impairment and knows first-hand how inaccessible the digital world can be. After Lennart had to drop out of university because of his disability, Oliver set out to find a solution to the many problems people face on websites every day.



After more than five years of research, interviews and eye-tracking analysis with people with different disabilities from all age groups, a list of common problems encountered when using websites was drawn up and possible solutions were designed. The next step was to work with institutes for the blind to develop tools to improve accessibility by customizing a web interface. Today, the Eye-Able team continues to work with people with visual impairments to improve existing features and expand functionality. 

Quick facts

GDPR & BITV compliant

Over 1,000 companies worldwide are already benefiting

Over 5 years of academic research & exchange with institutes for the blind

BITV conformity for your systems made easy

Comprehensive digital accessibility service for all

Eye-Able's accessibility service enables your organization to improve the accessibility of its web interfaces. As SoftwareONE, we support you individually with the various accessibility solutions from Eye-Able.

Our aim is to work with you to implement digital accessibility and support you in complying with legal accessibility requirements. In doing so, we take a holistic approach to each of your web interfaces, regardless of disabilities or other restrictions.

Eye-Able® assistance software for web interfaces

The user-oriented part is the Eye-Able® assistance software, which is integrated into digital products to improve accessibility. With over 25 functions such as contrast modes, screen readers, adaptive magnification or color blindness filters, users can visually adapt content to their own needs. Our principle is that everyone should be able to use an online system that is adapted to their individual needs. The software itself can also be adapted to your system in terms of color scheme, range of functions, functionality and icons. This improves the accessibility of your systems.

Adaptation of the external appearance of the assistance software to the corporate design (logos, colors, icons)

25 functions for better accessibility and user-friendliness

Developed with institutes for the blind and people with disabilities in Germany

Enables user groups to customize web interfaces to individual needs (e.g. website, intranet, platforms, web apps)

Inclusive success stories


3 million

people a month use our software solutions.

Logo Diocese of Cologne, shows church

Archdiocese of Cologne

Largest diocese in Germany

The website of the Archdiocese of Cologne is now technically accessible. This applies to both the desktop view and the mobile application on smartphones and tablets. "The website was already barrier-free at the beginning of the 2000s. Now we have a situation in which we have achieved a high degree of technical accessibility," says Wolfgang Koch-Tien, IT officer at the Archdiocese of Cologne and responsible for the technical infrastructure of the websites. In the near future, the function will also be made available for many other websites of the archdiocese.

German Disabled Sports Association // National Paralympic Committee Germany

"In order to come closer to the goal of digital participation and accessibility, the German Disabled Sports Association is now offering the Eye-Able® assistance software on its website. The Eye-Able® assistance software enables visitors to freely adapt all content to their own needs. With over 25 functions such as contrast modes, adaptive magnification or color attenuation filters, users can visually adapt the content to their needs. The principle: everyone should be able to use an online system that is tailored to their individual needs. Web interfaces should therefore be able to be individualized so that they are accessible to everyone."

National Paralympic Committee Germany 

German Institute for the Blind

Table Germany

AWO addiction support

Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Affairs NRW

DRK-Kreisverband Rheinisch-Bergischer Kreis e.V.

Caritas Duisburg

Hesse State Sports Association

Care guide NRW

Numerous clubs, associations and organizations are already recognizing the benefits that Eye-Able offers them: inclusive web interfaces, employees who are supported in their work, and websites and apps that can be checked for legal compliance during operation.

Forward-thinking organizations are already using Eye-Able software solutions, as are over 15 million other users worldwide.

Demo & free trial version

Accessibility solutions should always be user-oriented. For this reason, we offer you the opportunity to test accessibility solutions extensively. We will be happy to equip your systems with test licenses so that you can see the benefits for yourself.


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Get in touch with us for an introduction to the service and to find out how you can improve your digital accessibility. We will also be happy to get in touch with you.

Or use this form to receive your trial license by e-mail:

Simply test and get a 1-month trial license!

Simply enter your data and get started

Our offer for you


Test the assistance software free of charge for one month 


Free compliance test for your website


A free consultation hour on your digital accessibility

Reduce complexity

Easy integration and implementation. No specialist knowledge required.

Conformity and trust

Support in complying with national and international laws and regulations.

Single solution for your digital accessibility

Customized accessibility solutions for companies, directly from SoftwareONE. Available for external and internal websites. 

Contact us for an introduction to the service and to find out how you can improve your digital accessibility.

Your contact person: Andreas Huß

Photo Andreas Huss

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+49 8121 982 120