Our solution

How can I purchase the product?
Initially three pages are checked by us. To have more pages checked for spelling, please contact us - either your personal contact person or:
CMO & Founder
Chris Schmidt
+49 176 6410 3397
How can I purchase the product?
Initially three pages are checked by us. To have more pages checked for spelling, please contact us - either your personal contact person or at:
CMO & Founder
Chris Schmidt
+49 176 6410 3397
What does this look like in our dashboard
- There you will see a table. In this table you can see the spelling mistakes found
- In addition to the spelling errors, you can also see what type of error it is and on how many pages the error occurs
- However, we also provide you with more information about the error. You can obtain this in the detailed view by simply clicking on the error
- A fold-out field will then appear. There you can see on which of your websites the error occurs
- We also provide you with the HTML snippets in which the error occurs, as well as suggestions for improvement
An important component of our new spell checker is your individual dictionary. You can add words to the dictionary that we should ignore during the spell check - i.e. rate as correctly spelled. This is particularly useful for proper names, as these are not always in the dictionary and can therefore be marked as misspelled as an unknown word. You can add words to the dictionary by simply clicking on the *Add to dictionary* button in the table.
In the dictionary, you can add words that we should ignore during the spell check - i.e. rate as correctly spelled. You can add words to the dictionary by simply clicking on the *Add to dictionary* button in the table.
- You also have the option of taking a closer look at the errors on each page
- You can find an overview of each page in the My pages section within the spelling menu
- There you will also find a screenshot of the page in which the areas in which errors occur are marked
- You can also select individual pages via this menu
- We calculate a readability value for each of your pages. This is made up of various readability values, such as the Flesch Reading Ease and Gunning Fog Index