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Report Update: Spelling and grammar check

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Report Update: Spelling and grammar check

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We've all been there. You create a text for a website and check it countless times beforehand for spelling mistakes. But at some point, you can no longer see the wood for the trees. Spelling or grammatical errors are annoying and happen again and again. But checking every single website for spelling mistakes afterwards?
This involves a lot of effort. A website without spelling mistakes not only looks more professional, but also prevents misunderstandings. Spelling errors are also annoying for people with visual impairments. Assistance software outputs the errors 1:1.

Our solution

Our new solution, the spell checker, does just that. We check your website for spelling and grammatical errors. Of course, we don't do this manually, but automatically. The texts are checked section by section. Your language stored in the HTML code serves as the basis for us to find the correct language setting. We currently support the following languages: German, French, English, Spanish, Dutch and Italian. It is planned to add more languages in the future.

How can I purchase the product?

Initially three pages are checked by us. To have more pages checked for spelling, please contact us - either your personal contact person or:

CMO & Founder

Chris Schmidt




+49 176 6410 3397

How can I purchase the product?

Initially three pages are checked by us. To have more pages checked for spelling, please contact us - either your personal contact person or at:

CMO & Founder

Chris Schmidt




+49 176 6410 3397

What does this look like in our dashboard


In the dashboard, navigate to the Content & Web Analysis - Spell check section.




An important component of our new spell checker is your individual dictionary. You can add words to the dictionary that we should ignore during the spell check - i.e. rate as correctly spelled. This is particularly useful for proper names, as these are not always in the dictionary and can therefore be marked as misspelled as an unknown word. You can add words to the dictionary by simply clicking on the *Add to dictionary* button in the table.

In the dictionary, you can add words that we should ignore during the spell check - i.e. rate as correctly spelled. You can add words to the dictionary by simply clicking on the *Add to dictionary* button in the table.


Easy for everyone

Are you interested? We will be happy to help you.

With over 25 functions relating to digital accessibility, Eye-Able also helps you to reduce your barriers in the long term. You can make your information accessible to everyone and not exclude any visitors - in short: you can tap into a new target group without high marketing volumes.

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Non-binding consultation on digital accessibility in general

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Discussion of possible optimization potential on your website

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Live demo

Presentation of the assistance software directly on your website

Further contributions

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