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How to install Eye-Able in just a few minutes

Your code for your website:

Eye-Able can be integrated into your website in various ways:

1. integration via the Eye-Able Server

Copy the following code and paste it at the end of the header of your website:

					<script async src="https://cdn.eye-able.com/configs/www.IHREDOMAIN.com"></script> 
<script async src="https://cdn.eye-able.com/public/js/eyeAble.js"></script>

When integrating, always make sure to use the asynchronous attribute "async".

For more information and instructions for various CMS, simply follow these links:

2. integration via the Eye-Able server with dynamic reloading

This integration differs from variant 1 in that data is only loaded from the Eye-Able server when the Eye-Able icon is clicked. This reduces the number of outgoing connections but requires more code in your header. Integration into your website is simply done by including the following file in the header of your website:

let eA_domain =;
let eA_top = "15%"; //Top-Position des Icons z.B. "200px" oder "calc(50% -44px)"
let eA_side = "right"; //Seitenposition Icon z.B. "left"
let eA_bottom = "15%"; //Mobile bottom position

function aEA() {
    let eA_h = document.querySelector('head') || document.body;
    let s = document.createElement('script');
    let c = document.createElement('script');
    s.src = 'https://www.eye-able-cdn.com/test/public/js/eyeAble.js';
    s.async = true;
    c.src = 'https://www.eye-able-cdn.com/configs/' + eA_domain + '.js';
    c.async = true;

let eA_open = false;
if (localStorage.getItem("eyeAbleVariables")) {
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    function s() {
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            let t1 = "Eye-Able - Visuelle Hilfe";
            let t2 = "Passe diese Seite visuell an oder lass sie Dir vorlesen. Klicken zum Öffnen.";
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0 7.7.3h33.4a99.08 99.08 0 0 0 7.7-.3l75-6.7h.1c11.791-.911 22.089 7.909 23 19.7s-7.909 22.089-19.7 23l-60.5 5.5a7.09 7.09 0 0 0-6.5 7.1v16.4a28.29 28.29 0 0 0 2 10.4l34.5 87.9a21.36 21.36 0 0 1-1.8 20.2 22.06 22.06 0 0 1-18 9.6zm-52.5-107.1a14.11 14.11 0 0 1 13.1 8.8l33 80.1a7.62 7.62 0 0 0 3.9 3.6 7.13 7.13 0 0 0 9-9.6l-34.6-88.3a42.14 42.14 0 0 1-3-15.7v-16.4c-.054-11.101 8.438-20.376 19.5-21.3l60.6-5.5a7 7 0 0 0 4.9-2.4 6.61 6.61 0 0 0 1.7-5.2 7 7 0 0 0-7.6-6.6l-74.9 6.7a88.33 88.33 0 0 1-8.9.4h-33.4a87 87 0 0 1-8.9-.4l-75-6.7a7.12 7.12 0 0 0-1 14.2l60.7 5.5c11.062.924 19.554 10.199 19.5 21.3v16.4a42.14 42.14 0 0 1-3 15.7l-34.5 87.9a7.09 7.09 0 0 0 .3 7.3 7.19 7.19 0 0 0 6.6 3.2 7 7 0 0 0 5.9-4.3l32.9-79.9a14 14 0 0 1 13.2-8.8z" fill="#fff"></path></svg></div></div>';t.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend",s);let r=t.querySelector("#i"),d=t.querySelector("#t");function 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You can also copy the JS code from the downloaded file or integrate it directly into the header as a JS file. You can find out more about integration and how to customize it for yourself under this article.

3. hosting on your own server

For full control over your integration and the elimination of all outgoing connections, we recommend integrating or hosting the software on your own server. The following article shows you how you can easily implement this.

You can also simply use one of our plugins for selected CMS:

This picture shows a server room in blue light.

Addition to the declaration of accessibility

You should add the following passage to your declaration of accessibility.

How can Eye-Able be embedded directly into the page?

You can install Eye-Able in just a few minutes - find out how here.

Why Eye-Able has no impact on your page speed

Your website performance is naturally important to us. Read here how we optimize our software for your PageSpeed. 

How to use the Eye-Able API

An API is also available for you to freely configure the software according to your requirements. 

Customer support

Our support team will be happy to help you with your digital accessibility concerns.

The Eye-Able Blog

On our blog you will find lots of useful information about our services.

Contact us

Our accessibility experts will be happy to get in touch with you. Together we will make your information accessible to everyone. 

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Let's Talk

+49 176 55869849