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Working together for greater accessibility - Eye-Able® and the town of Brakel

Stick figure in a circle as a sign of universal access

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Stick figure in a circle as a sign of universal access

Working together for greater accessibility - Eye-Able® and the town of Brakel

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Stick figure in a circle as a sign of universal access

Another town puts its accessibility needs in our hands with confidence! The town of Brakel has given us the opportunity to use our technologies and solutions for digital accessibility in their community. We are honored by the mention of our collaboration in the Brakel-News newspaper article. For us, this cooperation is much more than just a professional partnership; inclusion is a matter close to our hearts.


With every city, every district and generally with all newly acquired supporters, we are taking another step on our journey to promote digital accessibility for all people. The city of Brakel's decision to work with us shows their commitment to digital inclusion and creating an accessible environment for their residents.


Digital accessibility for all 

For us at Eye-Able®, digital accessibility is a fundamental human right. All people, regardless of their limitations, should have the same opportunities to explore the digital world and use the services on offer without restriction. Through our solutions, we aim to promote equal opportunities and break down the barriers that make it difficult for many people to access digital content and services.


The collaboration with the city of Brakel is another step towards an inclusive digital society and we are grateful for that. Our efforts to promote digital accessibility are relentless and we will continue to invest our resources and commitment in digital inclusion.

Easy for everyone

Are you interested? We will be happy to help you.

With over 25 functions relating to digital accessibility, Eye-Able also helps you to reduce your barriers in the long term. You can make your information accessible to everyone and not exclude any visitors - in short: you can tap into a new target group without high marketing volumes.

Icon shows accessibility figure


Non-binding consultation on digital accessibility in general

Icon shows accessibility figure


Discussion of possible optimization potential on your website

Icon shows accessibility figure

Live demo

Presentation of the assistance software directly on your website

Further contributions

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