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Working together for the common good - Eye-Able® and Haus des Stiftens

Two hands hold a black heart together. Underneath is the signature: Haus des Stiftens - Engagiert für Engagierte

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Two hands hold a black heart together. Underneath is the signature: Haus des Stiftens - Engagiert für Engagierte

Working together for the common good - Eye-Able® and Haus des Stiftens

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Two hands hold a black heart together. Underneath is the signature: Haus des Stiftens - Engagiert für Engagierte

Reason for joy at Eye-Able®! We have entered into an inspiring partnership with the renowned "Haus des Stiftens". A social enterprise whose generals aim isto create a greater common goodffen. We are very proud to be able to say thatthat we, from now on our part contributeragen. And thatwith a very special offer.

Improving the world together with partners

The House of Foundations is directed with all its offers supporting founders, non-profit organizations and companies. The aim is to contribute to the common good within the framework of the so-called "Global Goals". These are the 17 sustainable development goals of the United Nations - political political objectives of the United Nations that are intended to ensure sustainable development at an economic, social and ecological level worldwide. Examples include ending world hunger and poverty.


To achieve this, we work with us and other partners to offer various types of support for donors, companies and non-profit organizations. These partners - who may be like-minded charitable organizations, companies or state institutions - contribute their own resources in the long term as a donation or at special conditions. This can be in the form of money, products or know-how.


And that is exactly what we have now done. Our software solutions Eye-Able Assist®, Audit® and Report® are now available for all non-profit organizations at an exclusive offer price on the website of Haus des Stiftens website. The three tools are available for small companies (up to 25 employees), medium-sized companies (up to 199 employees) and as "customized" tools with individual adjustments.

By the wayTo enable non-profit organizations to work with modern IT and become fit for the digital age, Haus des Stiftens developed the IT portal Stifter-helfen. Stifter-helfen has been available in Germany since 2008, in Austria since 2012 and in Switzerland since 2013. provide associations and other non-profit organizations with everything they need for IT. This includes product donations, services and expertise on the topic of digitalization.


The Haus des Stiftens has made a name for itself by supporting social projects and encouraging people to do good. We share this conviction and are proud that Eye-Able® is now part of this movement. Through this partnership, we can not only introduce our products to a wider audience, but together with the "Haus des Stiftens", we can positively influence the lives of many people.

Easy for everyone

Are you interested? We will be happy to help you.

With over 25 functions relating to digital accessibility, Eye-Able also helps you to reduce your barriers in the long term. You can make your information accessible to everyone and not exclude any visitors - in short: you can tap into a new target group without high marketing volumes.

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Non-binding consultation on digital accessibility in general

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Discussion of possible optimization potential on your website

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Live demo

Presentation of the assistance software directly on your website

Further contributions

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