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The European Accessibility Act (EAA)

Digital accessibility by law from 2025
Are you already prepared?

The European Accessibility Act (EAA) requires, among other things, many companies to be digitally accessible by 2025. Currently, 1 billion people cannot use your website properly due to a disability! Find out what the European Accessibility Act entails and how you can use it to your advantage here.


We offer customized solutions to prepare your web content for the Accessibility Improvement Act (BFSG).

The European Accessibility Act (EAA)

Digital accessibility by law from 2025
Are you already prepared?

The European Accessibility Act (EAA) obliges, among other things, many companies to be digitally accessible by 2025. Accessibility not only brings you new customers but also legal protection! Find out what the European Accessibility Act entails and how you can use it to your advantage here.

We offer customized solutions to prepare your web content for the Accessibility Improvement Act (BFSG).

Install the software in just a few minutes

Simply test conformity with upcoming laws

Automatic error detection with suggested solution

Perfectly prepared for the BFSG

These companies are already prepared by our service, when will you be?

Logo Oxid eShop

OXID eShop

"Solutions from Eye-Able[1], a provider specializing in digital accessibility, are already available in the OXID e-commerce platform. This means that thousands of online stores can use solutions for visual, motor and cognitive impairments as well as for older people around two years before the Accessibility Reinforcement Act (BFSG) comes into force. As a leading provider in this area, Eye-Able is a new partner of OXID."
Logo of FC St. Pauli

FC St. Pauli, German Bundesliga

"As part of the "Klartext" project, FC St. Pauli is taking the next important step. With the Eye Able assistance software, our homepage will be technically customizable by our visitors in the future."

Hypovereinsbank logo

The European Accessibility Act (EAA).
What is required here?

The European Accessibility Act (EAA) obliges the member states, among other things, to make online commerce accessible for consumers. It primarily concerns products and services that are most important for people with disabilities and for which different requirements most likely apply in the EU countries.

In Germany, this provision is implemented in the Barrier-Free Accessibility Reinforcement Act (BFSG). 

The European Accessibility Act (EAA) must be implemented in national legislation by all EU countries by June 28, 2025.

How your company benefits from digital accessibility


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✔️ Achieve a greater reach

✔️ Compliance with guidelines avoids penalties

✔️ Benefit from a positive image

Adapting ✔️ websites retrospectively is cost-intensive

Accessibility Reinforcement Act (BFSG)

The Barrierefreiheitsstärkungsgesetz (BFSG) is the implementation of the European Accessibility Act in Germany. The law promotes the equal and non-discriminatory participation of people with disabilities, restrictions and older people.

What does the law say about improving accessibility?

The law lays down specific provisions to promote equality and accessibility when it comes to products and services. This includes, for example, the obligation to create barrier-free access, the provision of barrier-free information and means of communication, the adaptation of workplaces and services and the promotion of the participation of people with disabilities in all areas of society.

Non-compliance with the law can result in fines of up to 100,000 euros, depending on the offense.

Free website check according to WCAG

Together for a barrier-free Internet - that's what we stand for. Everyone should be able to enjoy the online world to the full, regardless of any physical or technical limitations. For this reason, we offer you a free WCAG quick test for your website. Simply enter your information in the form opposite. You will then automatically receive your test report in PDF format by e-mail.

Our software services prepare you perfectly for the upcoming Accessibility Improvement Act.


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Eye-Able® Audit

✔️ Check the status of accessibility independently

✔️ Display and list the number of problems live

✔️ Recommendations for action

✔️ No prior knowledge required, problem is marked directly


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Eye-Able® Report

✔️ Scans the entire system for WCAG conformity

✔️ Overview of all problems

✔️ Sorting by category and severity

✔️ Simple representation over time and diagrams

What does accessibility actually mean?

The Disability Equality Act (BGG), which came into force in 2002, defines accessibility as follows:

"Buildings and other facilities, means of transport, technical commodities, information processing systems, acoustic and visual information sources and communication facilities as well as other designed areas of life are barrier-free if they can be found, accessed and used by people with disabilities in the usual way, without particular difficulty and in principle without outside help..."

According to this law, people with disabilities should be able to use everything just as independently as anyone without a disability.

2 people sitting in front of a laptop

Free webinars on accessibility

Gain insights in our free webinars:

We would like to share our enthusiasm and experience in digital accessibility solutions. We offer free webinars several times a year in which we present our solutions and are happy to answer your questions.

Absolute necessity for people with disabilities

Around 1 billion people worldwide have a disability. Of these, 215 million are visually impaired and therefore have major problems with the usability of websites. It is no longer enough just to make buildings accessible; inclusion must also be practiced on the Internet. All people should be able to participate equally in digital media.

Why you should take action now:


Increase your reach:

You improve the user experience for all users, reach more people and generate higher sales.


Legal conformity:

Avoid unnecessary fines of up to 100,000 euros by complying with the European Accessibility Act.


Inclusion internally and externally:

Show your employees and customers that digital accessibility is practiced throughout the company.


Save costs:

Making websites accessible at a later date can be costly and time-consuming. Avoid high bounce rates.

How the Eye-Able® team can support you on your journey to digital accessibility


Book a non-binding consultation. You will be contacted on your preferred date after you have completed the form.


Our experts will evaluate your current level of accessibility and show you potential areas for improvement.


We will provide you with an individual offer and a test license for our software solutions. Our service team will support you with the initial integration steps.


You are optimally prepared and pave the way for digital integration for your company. Our accessibility service will help you.

Download information material

EAA Whitepaper

Guide to accessibility on the Internet

BFSG Whitepaper