The accessibility blog for your accessible content
The Eye-Able® blog serves as a source of inspiration and is intended to offer everyone the opportunity to engage with the topic of digital accessibility - free of charge. We highlight current topics, laws and new technologies to make content accessible for everyone.
You will like these articles:

Political participation for all - barrier-free elections
Where are inclusion and accessibility more relevant than in political elections? We live in a democratic society in which concepts such as pluralism and diversity are writ large.

Accessibility as the key to good presentations
PowerPoint presentations have long been a popular way of giving talks. Whether in schools, universities, companies or other organizations - presentations with

Accessibility laws worldwide
Small handbook for inclusion guidelines All people should be able to participate equally in digital media. But not everyone has the opportunity to do so. Worldwide, around 1

European Accessibility Act - what exactly is it?
In 2019, the European Union laid down guidelines on digital accessibility with the European Accessibility Act (EAA). The aim is to give everyone equal access to telecommunications, software and the internet.

How are form elements designed to be accessible?
Everyone has had to deal with forms at some point. In the past, more on paper. Today, they are increasingly digital forms because they are used for interaction

Inclusive design - a benefit for everyone
Especially in times of digitalization, inclusion should be a top priority in the areas of design and user experience. A decisive aspect for the creation of

Visual customization options of Eye-Able
The Eye-Able assistance software allows a large number of customizations. On the one hand, the functions can be adapted to the respective website, and on the other hand, the appearance of the website can be customized.

Accessibility on the Internet: A duty or a matter of the heart?
The Internet has become a crucial aspect of everyday life. One important point is often overlooked: Accessibility. In Germany alone, there are

Integration with dynamic reloading
In addition to loading the Eye-Able assets directly from the Eye-Able or local server, there is also the option of loading the data from Eye-Able first by clicking on

Why is inclusion in the workplace so important?
Here too, the first question is what inclusion in the workplace actually means. First and foremost, it means that all people, including people with disabilities,

How the Eye-Able® Assist read-aloud function works and can be adapted to the website
Find out more about how it works and how the reading flow of the automatic function can be controlled.

Why should all websites be accessible?
What does website accessibility mean in the first place? Ultimately, it's about giving every person, regardless of the disability they may be struggling with, the opportunity to

We have won the Würzburg Startup Award!
We are overjoyed to announce that Eye-Able has won the Würzburg Startup Award! It makes us proud to receive the award for the year

What is color blindness and how Eye-Able helps
Find out more about color blindness and how Eye-Able can help those affected.

How do I use a website as a visually impaired person?
My laptop boots up. I want to give my girlfriend her favorite shoes for her birthday, but unfortunately they are sold out in stores. Fortunately, I know by heart where