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Accessibility Reinforcement Act (BFSG)

Is your website already accessible? Find out what the law means and what consequences it has for your website here.

Perfectly prepared for the BFSG

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What does digital accessibility mean?

The Disability Equality Act (BGG), which came into force in 2002, defines accessibility as follows:
"Buildings and other facilities, means of transport, technical commodities, information processing systems, acoustic and visual information sources and communication facilities as well as other designed areas of life are barrier-free if they can be found, accessed and used by people with disabilities in the usual way, without particular difficulty and in principle without outside help..."
According to this law, people with disabilities should be able to use everything just as independently as anyone without a disability.

Accessibility Reinforcement Act (BFSG)

The Barrierefreiheitsstärkungsgesetz (BFSG) is the German law implementing the European Accessibility Act (EAA). It obliges many companies to make their websites accessible and must be implemented by 2025. Almost 10 percent of Germans are unable to use websites due to a disability.

What exactly does the law say about improving accessibility?

The law lays down specific provisions to promote equality and accessibility when it comes to products and services. This includes, for example, the obligation to create barrier-free access, the provision of barrier-free information and means of communication, the adaptation of workplaces and services and the promotion of the participation of people with disabilities in all areas of society.

Non-compliance with the law can result in fines of up to 100,000 euros, depending on the offense.

Who is affected by the BFSG?

The Accessibility Improvement Act covers:

Micro-enterprises (fewer than ten employees and no more than EUR 2 million in annual turnover) that offer services are exempt from the law. However, micro-enterprises that put products into circulation are subject to the BFSG.

Which products must be designed to be accessible?
In future, companies will have to offer the following products, among others, without barriers:

  • Computers, notebooks, tablets, smartphones, cell phones
  • ATMs, ticket machines and check-in machines
  • Televisions with Internet access
  • E-book readers
  • Router
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Which services must be accessible?
Among other things, companies will have to offer the following services without barriers in future:

  • Telephone services
  • E-Books
  • Messenger services
  • Services offered on mobile devices (including apps) in interregional passenger transport
  • Banking services
  • electronic business transactions
  • Passenger transport services (for urban, suburban and regional transport services only interactive self-service terminals)
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What are the goals of the BFSG?

The main objective of the BFSG is to remove obstacles and barriers that prevent people with disabilities from fully exercising their rights and freedoms. 


The Accessibility Reinforcement Act must be applied from June 28, 2025, which means that the products and services mentioned in the Act must be accessible from this date.

Is your website not yet accessible?

Then it's best to contact us right away and have your own website checked free of charge with a BITV/WCAG quick test.

Free website check according to WCAG/BITV

Together for an accessible Internet - that's what we stand for. Simply enter your information in the adjacent form. You will receive your test report automatically by e-mail.

Why accessibility at all?

In Germany alone, over 7.9 million people have a disability and therefore find it difficult to surf the internet. Digital accessibility is far more than just a legal requirement. In a world in which online processes have become indispensable and we are becoming a digital society, care must be taken to ensure that everyone can participate in digitalization.

Our software services prepare you perfectly for the Barrier-Free Accessibility Act.


Eye-Able® Audit

Your browser testing software for BITV and WCAG


Eye-Able® Report

Your control center for digital accessibility


Ally AI assistant

Make your website accessible to everyone with Ally. Your AI assistant.
Workshops & Tests

Eye-Able® is a holistic provider of digital accessibility.

This is why, in addition to software services, we also offer tests in accordance with BITV and WCAG as well as training courses and workshops on the subject of digital accessibility.

Free webinars on accessibility

Gain insights in our free webinars:

We would like to share our enthusiasm and experience in digital accessibility solutions. We offer free webinars several times a year in which we present our solutions and are happy to answer your questions.

Advantages of complying with the Accessibility Improvement Act

How compliance with the BFSG benefits companies and society


Increasing the range

Companies can make their products and services accessible to a wider audience. This helps to involve people with different needs and increase the total number of potential users.


Avoid penalties:

Avoid unnecessary fines of up to 100,000 euros by complying with the provisions of the Barrier-Free Accessibility Reinforcement Act (BFSG).


Improving user-friendliness

By applying the requirements of the BFSG, companies improve the usability of their offerings for all customers. An intuitive and accessible design increases customer satisfaction and promotes a positive user experience.


Strengthening the brand

Companies that prioritize accessibility demonstrate social commitment and a sense of responsibility. This strengthens the brand image and can strengthen the loyalty of existing customers and gain the trust of new customers.

Over 10,000 websites are already prepared for the BFSG,
when will you be?

FC St. Pauli, 2nd German Bundesliga

"As part of the "Klartext" project, FC St. Pauli is taking the next important step. With the Eye Able assistance software, our homepage will be technically customizable by our visitors in the future."

The University of Illinois, Chicago

"Eye-Able® enables all users to use the Blackboard system effectively by providing various visual adaptations, access to voice output and many other accessibility solutions."

Questions about the Barrier-Free Accessibility Improvement Act (BFSG)

What does BFSG mean?
The abbreviation BFSG stands for "Barrierefreiheitsstärkungsgesetz".
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When does the BFSG come into force?
The Accessibility Reinforcement Act (BFSG) comes into force in Germany on June 28, 2025.
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Who does the BFSG apply to?
The BFSG contains regulations for products and services, with a focus on digital offerings. For example, the FSIA applies to services such as websites, e-commerce, electronic tickets and mobile applications. If a product or service falls within the scope of the BFSG, retailers, manufacturers, importers and service providers must comply with the accessibility requirements.
Free BFSG test
What does the BFSG change for websites?
The BFSG now makes compliance with the WCAG 2.1 AA criteria mandatory. The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) are a series of international standards for the accessible design of web content. Measures that are made mandatory for websites by the BFSG include text alternatives for images, adjustable font sizes, sufficient contrast and clear, understandable language. Fines are imposed for violations and non-compliance.
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What is the difference between BGG and BFSG?
While the Disability Equality Act obliges public bodies of the federal government to ensure accessibility, the BFSG contains requirements for private economic actors. Another difference concerns the areas of application that the respective law regulates. The BGG contains legal requirements for the areas of construction, transportation, information technology and communication with citizens. The BFSG requires certain products and services used by consumers to be accessible.
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What is the legal basis of the BFSG?
The BFSG is based on Directive (EU) 2019/882 of the European Parliament and of the Council, also known as the European Accessibility Act (EAA), which came into force on April 17, 2019. This directive was implemented in Germany in the Barrierefreiheitsstärkungsgesetz (BFSG) and the second Interstate Media Amendment Treaty (MÄStV).
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Who is not covered by the BFSG?
Micro-enterprises (fewer than ten employees and a maximum annual turnover of 2 million euros) that offer or provide services are exempt from the BFSG - they therefore do not have to make their services accessible. However, micro-enterprises that place products on the market are subject to the BFSG and must make their products accessible.
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BFSG also in the B2B or only in the B2C sector?
The BFSG regulates the accessibility of products and services used by consumers.

Services that are offered exclusively in the B2B (business to business) sector are therefore not affected by the BFSG.
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Why is it advantageous to voluntarily comply with the provisions of the BFSG?
  • Accessibility benefits everyone. Given demographic changes and the increasing number of older consumers, providing accessible products and services can be a market advantage.
  • Companies that provide accessible offerings are future-proof: they tap into a broader customer base and can compete directly with those companies that are subject to the provisions of the BFSG.
  • It is possible that the scope of the BFSG will be extended in the future to include additional products and services.
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The BFSG at a glance. With just one click!

You can find more detailed information about the law and how to prepare for it in our BFSG information brochure.

EAA Whitepaper

Guide to accessibility on the Internet

BFSG Whitepaper