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Barrier-free online shopping! OXID eSales AG and Eye-Able® are partners

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Illustrated shopping cart

Barrier-free online shopping! OXID eSales AG and Eye-Able® are partners

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Illustrated shopping cart

Nowadays, more and more processes are taking place online, including shopping, of course. However, not everyone has the same opportunity to use online offers due to a lack of accessibility. That is why we are very pleased to announce our partnership with OXID eSales AG! a leading company in the field of e-commerce solutions. This partnership marks an important step towards a more inclusive digital future.


In a world where almost everything is available online, e-commerce websites and platforms must be accessible to all users. This includes people with different abilities and impairments, from visual and hearing impairments to motor impairments, as well as older people. By providing our services at Eye-Able® kOXID eSales AG can now provide more than 25 functions that make online shopping more accessible and is thus well prepared for the new Accessibility Reinforcement Act, which comes into force on June 28, 2025. Accessibility Reinforcement Act (BFSG), WHICH COMES INTO FORCE ON JUNE 28, 2025.


About OXID eSales AG

OXID eSales AG is dedicated to developing state-of-the-art e-commerce solutions. Its products and services are used by a wide range of companies to succeed in online commerce. The company has been in business for over two decades and is one of the leading providers of e-commerce in German-speaking countries.


Dr. Oliver Charles, CSO at OXID, describes the partnership as a big win: "With Eye-Able® we have gained the leading holistic provider for digital accessibility as a partner. This means we can offer all online retailers with OXID stores a complete and easy-to-integrate solution. Inclusive stores are already commonplace. In the coming years, it will be impossible to imagine online stores without accessible functions."


The partnership between Eye-Able® and OXID eSales AG is a big step towards a more inclusive digital world. We are proud to be working with a company that shares our values and is committed to driving accessibility in e-commerce. Together, we can ensure that online commerce is accessible to everyone and that no one is excluded from the benefits of the digital age due to limitations.

Easy for everyone

Are you interested? We will be happy to help you.

With over 25 functions relating to digital accessibility, Eye-Able also helps you to reduce your barriers in the long term. You can make your information accessible to everyone and not exclude any visitors - in short: you can tap into a new target group without high marketing volumes.

Icon shows accessibility figure


Non-binding consultation on digital accessibility in general

Icon shows accessibility figure


Discussion of possible optimization potential on your website

Icon shows accessibility figure

Live demo

Presentation of the assistance software directly on your website

Further contributions

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