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Assistance software

Ally: Your AI assistant for digital accessibility.

Make your website accessible to everyone - with Ally. Your personal assistant for digital accessibility.

Individual solution proposals

Data protection

Integrated: Audit & Dashboard

AI-based assistant

What functions does Ally have?

Our AI assistant, Ally, is not only at your side in Eye-Able Audit®, but is now also available in the dashboard.
Ally allows you to fully analyze errors in the audit function. Ally describes and displays the faulty code and provides general troubleshooting tips.

Within the Eye-Able Dashboard, Ally acts as an interactive AI chat bot that answers questions about digital accessibility and assists in interpreting reports and identifying solutions to listed issues.

Ally in Audit

Automated solution proposals according to WCAG

Ally in Dashboard

Interactive consulting

Test Ally AI chat

Our specialized AI assistant, focused on digital accessibility, is at your disposal to help you with your concerns.
Interactive and intuitively integrated, our virtual assistant offers a seamless experience to ensure accessibility.
He is available here to answer your questions and offer support.

Click on the button below to load the content from dashboard.eye-able.com.

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Is your website not yet accessible?

Then it's best to contact us right away and have your own website checked free of charge with a BITV/WCAG quick test.

Free website check according to WCAG/BITV

Together for an accessible Internet - that's what we stand for. Simply enter your information in the adjacent form. You will receive your test report automatically by e-mail.

Your benefits from using Ally


Time and resource efficiency

Saves time and resources through fast troubleshooting and efficient optimization of web content.


Automated error detection and suggested solutions

Ally identifies accessibility issues and provides precise solutions to facilitate compliance with standards such as WCAG and BITV.


Improving the user experience and accessibility

Increases website accessibility for a wide audience, improves user experience and promotes inclusion.


Data protection and security

Provides secure use without storing personal data, in accordance with data protection laws and guidelines.
Over 10,000 websites are already accessible,
when will you be?
More and more leaders are recognizing the benefits of an inclusive culture. By developing accessible websites, these companies have paved the way for an inclusive user experience and established themselves as pioneers in this field:

FC St. Pauli, 2nd German Bundesliga

"As part of the "Klartext" project, FC St. Pauli is taking the next important step. With the Eye Able assistance software, our homepage will be technically customizable by our visitors in the future."

The University of Illinois, Chicago

"Eye-Able® enables all users to use the Blackboard system effectively by providing various visual adaptations, access to voice output and many other accessibility solutions."

Experience the full scope of our accessibility service:

Eye-Able® Audit

  • Description of the picture Real-time WCAG testing software for online systems
  • Description of the picture Unlimited number of licenses, no crawling limits
  • Description of the picture Test report export to CSV, XLS and JSON 

Eye-Able® Report

  • Description of the picture Dashboard for analyzing the compliance status
  • Description of the picture Regular system check for WCAG conformity
  • Description of the picture PDF evaluation according to WCAG and PDF/UA standards

Frequently asked questions about Ally

How do I integrate Ally into my website?
Ally is seamlessly integrated into Audit and the dashboard. Get your software extension now!
Free consultation
What types of accessibility issues can Ally identify?
Ally is trained to detect a wide range of accessibility issues that violate WCAG and BITV guidelines, including issues with contrast, navigation, text alternatives and more.
Free consultation
How up-to-date are Ally's recommendations?
Ally is continually updated with the latest accessibility standards and guidelines to ensure that its recommendations are always in line with current best practice.
Free consultation
Can Ally help me make my website accessible for multiple types of disabilities?
Yes, Ally offers solutions aimed at making your website accessible to users with various disabilities, including visual impairments, hearing impairments, motor impairments and cognitive impairments.
Free consultation
How secure is the use of Ally with regard to my data?
Ally attaches great importance to data protection and security. No personal data is stored, analyzed or used in any other way, so that your data and that of your users is safe.
Free consultation
Does Ally also support mobile websites?
Yes, Ally is designed to check and improve accessibility for all resolutions - desktop, tablet & mobile.
Free consultation
Can I test Ally free of charge?
You are welcome to test our software solution extensively. Simply arrange a free consultation.
Free consultation

Leave us a message!

Our accessibility experts will be happy to get in touch with you. Together we will make your information accessible to everyone. 

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+49 176 64103397

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