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Assistance software

Digital accessibility made easy.

Together, we are creating a more inclusive digital world in which everyone feels at home.

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What does digital accessibility mean?

A website is accessible if it can be found, accessed and used by people with disabilities without any particular difficulty and, in principle, without outside help. A person with a disability should therefore be able to use a website just as independently as a person without a disability. In Germany alone, almost 10 million people have a disability, but many more people benefit from simple and accessible websites. As a holistic provider of digital accessibility, Eye-Able® is the ideal partner for fulfilling these accessibility principles on your own website.

How can website accessibility errors be rectified?

Digital accessibility is not only important for people with disabilities, but ultimately benefits everyone as it makes it easier to access digital content. This improves usability for everyone.

Websites are often not accessible
Graphic for the visual representation of barriers when visiting a website
These are very disadvantageous for people with visual impairments. Some of the most common mistakes are
Software alone is often not enough

Many tools for checking the accessibility of websites can recognize some problems, but are not able to fully grasp the complexity of accessibility:

Graphic shows visually how software - represented as a machine - attempts to make a website accessible.
What is the cost of non-compliance with accessibility requirements?
Person with magnifying glass in hand in front of a website

Is your website not yet accessible?

Then it's best to contact us right away and have your own website checked free of charge with a BITV/WCAG quick test.

Free website check according to WCAG/BITV

Together for an accessible Internet - that's what we stand for. Simply enter your information in the adjacent form. You will receive your test report automatically by e-mail.

Your holistic solution for digital accessibility.

Eye-Able® enables website operators to create accessible websites quickly and efficiently. We offer effective solutions to implement accessibility while improving image and market opportunities.

NEW: Eye-Able® AI Tools




Simple language

Simple language AI

AI tool transforms complex content into easy-to-understand texts.

Ally AI assistant

Make your website accessible to everyone with Ally. Your AI assistant.
AI website translation tool

AI website translation

AI website translation: making content accessible worldwide.

Eye-Able® Audit

Your browser testing software for BITV and WCAG.

Eye-Able® Report

Your control center for digital accessibility:
So you have everything in view.

Eye-Able® Assist

Improve your digital accessibility

Eye-Able® is a holistic provider of digital accessibility.

This is why, in addition to software services, we also offer tests in accordance with BITV and WCAG as well as training courses and workshops on the subject of digital accessibility.

2 people sitting in front of a laptop

Free webinars on accessibility

Gain insights in our free webinars:

We would like to share our enthusiasm and experience in digital accessibility solutions. We offer free webinars several times a year in which we present our solutions and are happy to answer your questions.

Who benefits from digital accessibility

Basically, all users benefit from accessible content and accessible websites. However, there are some user groups that particularly benefit from accessibility.


1.2 million people with visual impairments in Germany

Over one million people in Germany experience barriers on the Internet due to visual impairments.

*(World Health Organization as of 2009)


1.5 million people with cognitive disabilities

People with cognitive impairments benefit from Eye-Able® functions and adapt texts for better readability, for example.
*(Destatis as of 2014)


Every second person will soon be over 50

We live in an ageing society. This is accompanied by a large number of age-related (visual) disorders. Eye-Able® provides a remedy here.


Almost every 10th man has a red-green weakness

Whenever information is only communicated using colors, barriers can arise. For example, error and success messages in red and green.

We offer individual advice for the following areas:

With our solutions, you can easily advance your organization in terms of digital accessibility.

Woman looking at laptop

Digital accessibility in public administration

Make sure that you are digitally accessible to ensure unrestricted and equal access to your information and services for all citizens, regardless of their physical, sensory or cognitive abilities. If your digital offerings are not accessible, people with disabilities are categorically excluded and disadvantaged.

check Legal certainty
check Appreciation
check Equal rights
Over 10,000 websites are already accessible,
when will you be?
More and more leaders are recognizing the benefits of an inclusive culture. By developing accessible websites, these companies have paved the way for an inclusive user experience and established themselves as pioneers in this field:

FC St. Pauli, 2nd German Bundesliga

"As part of the "Klartext" project, FC St. Pauli is taking the next important step. With the Eye Able assistance software, our homepage will be technically customizable by our visitors in the future."

The University of Illinois, Chicago

"Eye-Able® enables all users to use the Blackboard system effectively by providing various visual adaptations, access to voice output and many other accessibility solutions."

Eye-Able® News

The accessibility blog for your accessible content. We shed light on current topics, laws and new technologies to make content accessible for everyone.

Our vision

An Internet for all people

Our vision is shaped by Managing Director Oliver Greiner 's personal experience with people with disabilities. His best friend Lennart, who is now part of the team as a usability tester, has around 10% vision due to a genetic visual impairment. This gives Oliver a direct link to the problems that people with disabilities experience on websites every day. After his friend had to drop out of university because of his disability, he set himself the goal of finding a solution to the individual problems that people experience on websites every day.

Oliver Greiner's (CEO) best friend Lennart, who is now part of the team as a usability tester, has vision of around 10% due to a genetic visual impairment. When he had to drop out of university because of this, he set himself the goal of developing accessible websites.

Frequently asked questions about Eye-Able®

Who benefits from digital accessibility?
Digital accessibility improves the accessibility of your systems. Not only people with disabilities benefit from this. Older people and people with a migration background can also better understand and experience your services.
Free consultation
How does the cooperation with Eye-Able® work?
As a first step, we work with you to identify your potential in the area of digital accessibility. You are welcome to book a meeting with one of our experts for this purpose.
Free consultation
The initial consultation on your accessibility issues is always free of charge.
The initial consultation on your accessibility issues is always free of charge.
Free consultation
What advantages does digital accessibility offer me?
In addition to the legal framework, you send a clear signal for inclusion. This improves your external perception. This also results in search engine-relevant advantages for you.
Free consultation
What services does Eye-Able® offer?
Eye-Able® sees itself as a holistic service provider when it comes to digital accessibility. In addition to assistance technology and testing software, the team also tests according to the BITV standard. We impart knowledge through workshops and presentations on the subject.
Free consultation
How does the onboarding process work?
After determining your potential, we look for suitable accessibility services for your systems. The entire process is designed to be completely transparent.
Free consultation
Can I test the solutions free of charge?
You are welcome to test our software solutions extensively. You have a test period of 14 days to do so.
Free consultation
How easy is it to integrate Eye-Able® Services?
The integration of the wizard and the testing software can be completed within a few minutes. You do not need to make any major changes to your system or invest any time in the installation.
Free consultation

Leave us a message!

Our accessibility experts will be happy to get in touch with you. Together we will make your information accessible to everyone. 

Fields marked with * are mandatory




+49 1523 8292 355

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