Digital accessibility

With our solutions, you can easily move your organization forward in terms of digital accessibility. By creating an accessible online offering, you show that your organization is committed to an inclusive work environment and that you are ready to accommodate all users.

Increase your accessibility.

With our solutions, you can easily advance your organization in terms of digital accessibility.


Increase your accessibility

Information videos on accessibility

Take a look at the videos about Eye-Able's services and barrier-free solutions. We offer individual consulting for the following areas: Public administration, business, education and non-profit organizations. 

Digital accessibility in the
public administration

Give all citizens unrestricted access to important information and services. Create a society in which everyone can participate.

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Dive deeper into the subject matter and take part in our live webinar for public administrations.

Digital accessibility in

Increase your target group and thus maximize the potential for higher sales. Give everyone the same opportunity to use your products.

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Dive deeper into the subject matter and take part in our live webinar for companies.

Digital accessibility in
non-profit organizations

Take advantage of the support program of Aktion Mensch e.V. and you can receive €5,000 with the purchase of Eye-Able. Click here for more information.

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Dive deeper into the subject matter and take part in our live webinar for non-profit organizations.

Digital accessibility in the
education sector

Every learner deserves equal opportunities and access to quality education. Create inclusive learning environments.

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These companies are increasing their accessibility with Eye-Able

Logo City of Cologne
Logo of FC St. Pauli

How can the lack of accessibility to websites be remedied?

The internet is a challenge for visually impaired people. For them, the lack of accessibility of websites is a barrier that severely impairs their online experience. However, this problem affects not only the users, but also the website providers themselves. Free trial after webinar participation

Many websites have serious shortcomings in terms of accessibility.

These are very disadvantageous for people with visual impairments. Some of the most common mistakes are

❌ Unstructured content
❌ Inoperable forms
❌ Insufficient contrast
❌ No alternative texts for images

Most software solutions are often not optimal.

Many tools for checking the accessibility of websites can recognize some problems, but are not able to fully grasp the complexity of accessibility:

❌ Inaccurate or superficial results
❌ Neglect of usability
❌ No user-friendly and intuitive operation
❌ No continuous monitoring and updating

What is the cost of non-compliance with accessibility requirements?

Loss of customers and business opportunities: If a website is not accessible, it excludes visually impaired users and other people with disabilities.

Damage to reputation and image: Companies that neglect digital accessibility risk damage to their reputation and image.

Legal consequences:

In some countries, there are laws and regulations governing the accessibility of websites.

Improvements: If a website was not developed to be accessible from the outset, reworking and adjustments are necessary.

Eye-Able offers innovative solutions for digital accessibility.

Eye-Able enables website owners to quickly and efficiently create accessible websites that provide an inclusive experience for all users. We offer effective solutions to implement accessibility while improving image and market opportunities.

Our digital accessibility solutions for you

Eye-Able Assist
  • Description of the picture Over 25 functions for digital accessibility
  • Description of the picture Simple integration into all HTML-based interfaces
  • Description of the picture GDPR-compliant integration via own server or Eye-Able EU CDN network

Eye-Able Audit

  • Description of the picture On-the-fly testing software for online systems according to WCAG guidelines
  • Description of the picture Unlimited number of licenses, no crawling limits
  • Description of the picture Test report export to all common formats possible (CSV, XLS, JSON)

Eye-Able Report

  • Description of the picture Admin dashboard for analyzing the current compliance status
  • Description of the picture Checks your systems regularly for WCAG compliance
  • Description of the picture Evaluation of your PDFs according to current standards (WCAG and PDF/UA)

Workshops & Tests

We also offer tests according to BITV and WCAG conformity, as well as training and workshops on the topic of digital accessibility.

More than 2000 cities, universities, counties, companies and associations use Eye-Able.

Our inclusive network of socially progressive companies, organizations and governments continues to grow. More and more leaders are recognizing the benefits of an inclusive culture. Digital participation and inclusion have become an integral part of modern corporate cultures. Free trial after webinar participation
Club emblem of FC St. Pauli

FC St. Pauli - 2nd German Bundesliga

As part of the "Klartext" project, FC St. Pauli is taking the next important inclusive step. With the assistance software from Eye-Able, their homepage will be technically customizable for visitors in the future.
Logo University of Chicago Illonois

The University of Illinois, Chicago

It allows all users to effectively utilize the UIC Blackboard system by providing various visual adjustments such as contrast and font size adjustment, access to voice output, and many other accessibility solutions.

Deutsche Bank

Logo of North Rhine-Westphalia

Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Affairs NRW

Logo Leipzig University

University of Leipzig





Logo Archdiocese of Cologne

Archdiocese of Cologne

These companies are already accessible,
when will they be?

By developing accessible websites, these companies have paved the way for an inclusive user experience and established themselves as pioneers in this field. Doing what's right

✅ Book a FREE consultation based on your website

✅ We adapt our software solutions to your CI

✅ Test Eye-Able for 1 month free of charge

Test Eye-Able Audit

We offer you the opportunity to try out Eye-Able Assist live here. Just click on the Load content button to open an interactive window in which you can operate Eye-Able Assist and test its functions directly.

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Test Eye-Able Report

Our goal is to give you an immediate experience with Eye-Able Report. After clicking the load content button, you can immediately try out Eye-Able Report and experience our user-friendly live demo.

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Test Eye-Able Assist

Convince yourself of the effectiveness of Eye-Able Assist by testing it live here. Simply press the load content button and an interactive window will open in which you can try out the various functions.

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Register for the free live webinar

Our live webinars take place quarterly and offer you the opportunity to obtain comprehensive information on the topic of digital accessibility. Simply leave your contact details and we will send you an invitation.

Are you unsure? Simply use the following form. This will give you the chance to get to know the possibilities offered by your new digital accessibility without any obligation:

Your digital accessibility starts here.

We will be happy to show you how you can easily improve your digital accessibility.

About Eye-Able®

Our vision is to make the Internet accessible to everyone. You are welcome to join us on our journey:

Eye-Able logo, shows an eye

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